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By asking the right questions, setting a tangible plan, and actively working towards goals, you will be successful in living a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. Let's get started.
If the statement is sometimes or usually true, please do not fill in the square unless the statement is virtually always true for you. These statements may be applied to personal, career, or business. For each section, if the statement is true, fill in the square. Be rigorous, be a hard grader for your own sake. Don’t go for the points – go for the truth. At the end of the survey, you will be able to view comments based on your responses.

Finances - How well do you handle your money?
I’ve started saving or investing 10% of my monthly income.
I currently have an active plan to decrease monthly expenses.
I know exactly how much my monthly expenses are.
I currently have an ongoing plan to reduce debt.

Health - What’s the state of your physical and emotional health?
I like the way my clothes fit on me.
I have enough energy and time for people I care for and love.
My personal needs are met.
I’ve identified and eliminated things that drain my positive energy.
I have a handle on what triggers negative emotions in me.

Career - How far are you on the roadmap to success?
I’ve completed an inventory of my skills and abilities.
I leverage the knowledge of others and use all my resources effectively.
I network as if I’m fundraising for my own private foundation.
I’ve mastered my craft or profession.
I have a roadmap to success ready to be executed.

Life Stresses - How much is stress a part of your life?
I’m waiting for the right opportunity to come then I’ll give it my all.
I have unresolved matters that are holding me back.
I put up with situations that I want to stop tolerating.
I procrastinate even on important matters.
I am reacting and trying to fix situations on a daily basis.

Self-management - How well do you REALLY know yourself?
I know how to use my gifts and strengths in my personal and professional life.
I know what my passions are.
I understand what my weaknesses and limits are.
I’ve developed a personal mission, vision and purpose statement.
I know how to motivate myself even when I really don’t want to/care to do something.

Relating with others - How well do you relate to others?
I attract and deepen relationships with people who will help me grow and develop.
I engaged people in my conversations and they get excited for me.
I facilitate positive communication in group settings to produce synergy.
When someone is speaking, I think about what I can give of myself that will benefit them.
I let my true intentions be known within the first meeting with someone.

Personal Success - How much personal success do you have?
I deliberately cause my life and success instead of waiting for it to happen.
I need to improve my communication and speaking skills so I am better heard and understood.
I have great ideas but haven’t developed them into something that’s financially and personally rewarding.
I have a reserve to free my mind up to focus on more creative and productive pursuits.
I set benchmarks and am close to reaching the next milestone in my life.

Professional Success - How well do you lead others?
I build a cooperative culture of self-managing teams.
I continually and successfully train staff to become managers and managers to become leaders.
I effectively balance the relationship between people and profits.
I effectively motivate and engage my staff when I’m communicating goals and objectives.
I am trusted by my staff that I have their back.

RESULTS: Realize that this survey serves as an honest snapshot of who you are today, your current goals and priorities, and what contributes to your positive growth or hindering your potential. See it as a reminder to get back on track and a healthy exercise to take the first step towards the life you want to live.
Comments are based on the number of squares you filled in for each category.

<3 squares filled= Trouble. Handle the money. Period.
4 squares filled = Stay focused and get 100% consistency now.
5 squares filled = On track, so develop a long term plan before you get distracted and lose momentum.

<3 = Treat your body like the temple it is starting today.
4 = Zap the tolerations and resolve unfinished business.
5 = Okay, now create reserves in all areas of your life now.

<3 = Get on the drawing board and map out your dreams.
4 = Identify knowledge or skill sets to update for your next stepping stone.
5 = Deepen your circle of network – make it work for you!

Life Stresses
<3 = Raise your standards until you feel terrific.
4 = Zap the tolerations and resolve unfinished business.
5 = Simplify your life dramatically. Unload the burden.

<3 = All knowledge is ultimately self-knowledge. Start with YOU.
4 = Identify what’s coming from the ego and know your true priorities.
5 = Don’t just live. Evolve.

Relating with others
<3 = Identify and focus on what you can share and give and make them your daily habits.
4 = Establish a reputation within your network for having integrity and compassion.
5 = Align all areas of our life around the same values.

Personal Success
<3 = A strong personal foundation is a choice, choose it.
4 = Create reserves in all areas of your life.
5 = Start attracting instead of striving.

Professional Success
<3 = Great team = Greater success. Develop a blueprint to increase productivity.
4 = Take one big risk a week to get closer to the real prize.
5 = Now, maintain healthy boundaries across the entire staff as a company mission.

The road to life enhancement is different for everyone. Maybe it’s going back to basics for you, or you’re trending for success and need to keep a balanced lifestyle, or stressed from pressures coming in all directions distracting you from the actual goal. The bottom line is, you want to know what is the point of what you’re currently doing and how it’s going to contribute to the life you’re intended to live. Because you are courageous enough to take this step, I have more to share with you at
Remember, you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Congratulations on investing some time in improving your lifestyle! Don't stop there.
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