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Exit Survey
Now that you have almost completed your first year in the Bachelor of Interior Design Program at Mount Royal University (MRU), we would be very interested to know how you feel about your experience so far. How would you rate each of the following:
Very Negative Negative Positive Very Positive
Overall experience in the program
Overall experience in the studio with peers
Overall experience with Interior Design instructors
Overall experience at MRU
If you can remember back to before you applied to the program, why did you decide to apply to an Interior Design Program?
(Choose the answer that MOST applies)
Always wanted to study/practice Interior Design.
Wanted to try it to see what to was like.
Recommended by a practicing designer.
Others (friends, parents, councelors, ...) encouraged me to apply.
What most influenced your decision to apply/accept at Mount Royal University (MRU)?
Reputation of the Interior Design Program at MRU.
Geographical location.
Tuition cost.
Reputation of Mount Royal University.
MRU Interior Design has work experience
Recommendation from others.
Thinking back, is the program what you thought it would be before you applied?
Better than expected
As expected
Less than expected
Considering your first year experience, how satisfied are you with each of the following:
Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Orientation to the program
Orientation to the University
Help with preparing for the first week of classes
Help adjusting to University Life
With regard to the learning environment (facilities) at MRU how satisfied are you with the following:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Resource Centre
Study Spaces
Student Services
With regard to the course work in the Interior Design program at MRU how much would you agree with these statements:
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
My Course workload is reasonable
My Core Courses integrate well with one another
DESIGN COURSE Lectures/workshops provide the knowledge required to accomplish assignments
DCOMM COURSE Lectures/workshops provide the knowledge required to accomplish assignments
CONSTRUCTION Lectures/workshops provide the knowledge required to accomplish assignments
OTHER CORE COURSE Lectures/workshops provide the knowledge required to accomplish assignments
How much do you agree or disagree with these statements about your progress in Interior Design courses at MRU?
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
I feel that I know more about Interior Design than when I started
I am more confident in my Interior Design abilities than when I started
I am more interested in an Interior Design career now than when I started
I understand how assignments/content in early courses prepare me for expectations/content in later courses
Where do you seek feedback and assistance in understanding course material(Select all that apply)?
Other students in my year
Other students in more advanced years
The lead instructor for the course
Studio crits in the course
Other instructors (not in the course)
Web resources

Last Question: The Interior Design program at MRU encourages students to support each other in their learning. You have likely experienced helping another student with a problem, been helped by another student, or have seen this kind of activity with others. What many students do not know is that MRU offers formal "peer tutoring" as well to help students who may be uncomfortable with offering or seeking assistance. Tutors are free to those who request them, and the Tutors get paid by MRU for their assistance.
Yes No
Are you aware of the Peer Tutoring proram offered by MRU Student Learning Services?
Are there occasions when you feel receiving tutoring from a peer would be valuable?
Do you think you may have knowledge/skills that would help another student?
Would you ever consider becoming a tutor?
Should students be encouraged to help each other in studio?