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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* First and last name?
* Current age?
* Email you want to receive your meal plan?
* Current Height?
* Current Weight? (lbs)
* Any Food Allergies?
* Are there any foods you will absolutely not eat?
* Do you cook for yourself or family?
* Are you employed? If so, what kind of job do you work? (Office, Outdoor, at home?) Is it a typical 9-5 with 30 minute to 1 hr lunch? Does your job give you access to a microwave and fridge?
* What are your health/fitness goals? (Be very detailed, Gain weight, lose weight- how many lbs? Maintain healthy balance, etc)
* Do/Will you be exercising? (If so, list day & time)
* Please provide a 1-2 day food diary of a typical day of eating for you. This would include everything you eat including quantities and time of day you eat them. This gives me a better understanding of where you currently are with nutrition.