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You are invited to participate in our survey as part of the researcher's MBA Project. 
The intention of the questionnaire is to explore your understanding of your relationship with your leader and to quantify the information provided by you to test some leadership-followership theories.
This take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project.
It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* Read the following eight statements and tick below those that apply to you.
[Maslow "Hierarchy of Need Reference Alan Chapman (2003)]
There are no right or wrong answers. Only Tick Mark those which feel right.
I am successful in life and/or work, and I’m recognised by my peers for being so. I’m satisfied with the responsibility and role that I have in life and/or work, my status and reputation, and my level of self-esteem.
I am part of, and loved by, my family. I have good relationships with my friends and colleagues - they accept me for who I am.
Above mostly everything else, I actively seek beauty, form and balance in things around me. My interest in beautiful culture and the arts is central to me.
My aim is self-knowledge and enlightenment. The most important thing to me is realising my ultimate personal potential. I seek and welcome ‘peak’ experiences.
I generally feel safe and secure - job, home, etc. - and protected from harm. My life generally has routine and structure - long periods of uncontrollable chaos are rare or non-existent.
The most important thing to me is helping others to reach their ultimate potential, whatever that may be, even at my own expense.
Aside from dieting and personal choice, I never starve through lack of food, nor lack of money to buy food. Aside from the usual trauma of moving house, I have no worry at all about having somewhere to live - I have ‘a roof over my head’.
Improving my self-awareness is one of my top priorities. The pursuit of knowledge and meaning of things, other than is necessary for my work, is extremely important to me.

Most workers want job satisfaction. Below are 12 job factors that contribute to job satisfaction.

Please rate each according to how important it is to you.
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory Quiz
Very Important Important Somewhat Important Less Important Not Important
* An interesting job
* A good boss
* Recognition and appreciation for the work I do
* The opportunity for advancement
* A satisfying personal life
* A prestigious or status job
* Job responsibility
* Good working conditions (nice office)
* Sensible company rules, regulations, procedures, and policies
* The opportunity to grow through learning new things
* A job I can do well and succeed at
* Job security
Identify each of the 15 statements according to how accurately it describes you.

Please rate each according to how important it is to you.
McClelland’s Manifest Needs Theory Quiz
Very Important Important Somewhat Important Less Important Not Important
* I enjoy working hard.
* I enjoy competition and winning.
* I want/have lots of friends.
* I enjoy a difficult challenge.
* I enjoy leading and being in charge.
* I want to be liked by others.
* I want to know how I am progressing as I complete tasks.
* I confront people who do things I disagree with.
* I enjoy frequent parties.
* I enjoy setting and achieving realistic goals.
* I enjoy influencing other people to get my way.
* I enjoy belonging to lots of groups/organizations.
* I enjoy the satisfaction of completing a difficult task.
* In a leaderless situation I tend to take charge.
* I enjoy working with others more than working alone
Please select the right option for each question that comes closest to reflecting your opinion about it.

Job Satisfaction Survey Reference Spector P. (1994)
Disagree very much Disagree moderately Disagree slightly Agree slightly Agree moderately Agree very much
* I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do.
* There is really too little chance for promotion on my job.
* My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job.
* I am not satisfied with the benefits I receive.
* When I do a good job, I receive the recognition for it that I should receive.
* Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job difficult.
* I like the people I work with.
* I sometimes feel my job is meaningless.
* Communications seem good within this organization.
* Raises are too few and far between.
Job Satisfaction Survey Reference Spector P. (1994)
Disagree very much Disagree moderately Disagree slightly Agree slightly Agree moderately Agree very much
* Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of being promoted.
* My supervisor is unfair to me.
* The benefits we receive are as good as most other organizations offer.
* I do not feel that the work I do is appreciated.
* My efforts to do a good job are seldom blocked by red tape.
* I find I have to work harder at my job because of the incompetence of people I work with.
* I like doing the things I do at work.
* The goals of this organization are not clear to me.
* I feel unappreciated by the organization when I think about what they pay me.
* People get ahead as fast here as they do in other places.
Job Satisfaction Survey Reference Spector P. (1994)
Disagree very much Disagree moderately Disagree slightly Agree slightly Agree moderately Agree very much
* My supervisor shows too little interest in the feelings of subordinates.
* The benefit package we have is equitable.
* There are few rewards for those who work here.
* I have too much to do at work.
* I enjoy my co-workers.
* I often feel that I do not know what is going on with the organization.
* I feel a sense of pride in doing my job.
* I feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases.
* There are benefits we do not have which we should have.
* I like my supervisor.
Job Satisfaction Survey Reference Spector P. (1994)
Disagree very much Disagree moderately Disagree slightly Agree slightly Agree moderately Agree very much
* I have too much paperwork.
* I don't feel my efforts are rewarded the way they should be.
* I am satisfied with my chances for promotion.
* There is too much bickering and fighting at work.
* My job is enjoyable.
* Work assignments are not fully explained.
Please complete the following questions and select your current manager relationship using the following scale.

The higher rate is showing strong agreement with the statements and the lesser is having less agreement with the statement
* I have quick, easy access to talk with my manager anytime I want to.
* I get along well with my manager.
* I can influence my manager to get things done my way to get what I want.
* When I interact with my manager, our conversation is often relationship-oriented (we talk on a personal level), rather than just task-oriented (we talk only about the job).
* We have a loyal, trusting relationship. We look out for each other’s interest.
* My manager understands my job and the problems that I face; he or she appreciates the work I do.
* My manager recognizes my potential and gives me opportunities to grow on the job.
* My manager listens carefully to what I have to say and seeks my advice.
* My manager gives me good performmance evaluations.
* My manager gives me rewards (raises and other perks) in excess of the minimum.
This questionnaire contains items that ask you to describe your relationship with either your leader or one of your subordinates. For each of the items, indicate the degree to which you think the item is true for you by circling one of the responses that appear below the item.
Kelly Followership Quiz
Never Rarely Occasionally Sometimes Often Almost Always Always
* Does your work help you fulfil some societal goal or personal dream that is important to you?
* Are your personal work goals aligned with the organization's priority goals?
* Are you highly committed to and energized by your work and organization, giving them your best ideas and performance?
* Does your enthusiasm also spread to and energize your co-workers?
* Instead of waiting for or merely accepting what the leader tells you, do you personally identify
* which organizational activities are most critical for achieving the organization's priority goals?
* Do you actively develop a distinctive competence in those critical activities so that you become more valuable to the leader and the organization?
* When starting a new job or assignment, do you promptly build a record of successes in tasks thatare important to the leader?
* Can the leader give you a difficult assignment without the benefit of much supervision, knowing that you will meet your deadline with highest-quality work and that you will "fill in the cracks" if need be?
* Do you take the initiative to seek out and successfully complete assignments that go above and beyond your job?
Kelly Followership Quiz
Never Rarely Occasionally Sometimes Often Almost Always Always
* When you are not the leader of a group project, do you still contribute at a high level, often doing more than your share?
* Do you independently think up and champion new ideas that will contribute significantly to the leader's or the organization's goals?
* Do you try to solve the tough problems (technical or organizational), rather than look to the leader to do it for you?
* Do you help out other co-workers, making them look good, even when you don't get any credit?
* Do you help the leader or group see both the upside potential and downside risks of ideas or plans, playing the devil's advocate if need be?
* Do you understand the leader's needs, goals, and constraints, and work hard to help meet them?
* Do you actively and honestly own up to your strengths and weaknesses rather than put off evaluation?
* Do you make a habit of internally questioning the wisdom of the leader's decision rather than just doing what you are told?
* When the leader asks you to do something that runs contrary to your professional or personal preferences, do you say "no" rather than "yes"?
* Do you act on your own ethical standards rather than the leader's or the group's standards?
* Do you assert your views on important issues, even though it might mean conflict with your group or reprisals from the leader?
* How satisfied are you in your current job?
Almost Always
* How productive would you say you are you in your current job?
Almost Always
* At your recent performance review was your performance deemed to be:
* This following questions contains items that ask you to describe your relationship with either your leader or one of your subordinates. For each of the items, indicate the degree to which you think the item is true for you by circling one of the responses that appear below the item. [LMX 7 Questionnaire, SAGE Publication 2010]

Do you know where you stand with your leader (follower) . . . [and] do you usually know how satisfied your leader (follower) is with what you do?
Fairly often
Very often
* How well does your leader (follower) understand your job problems and needs?
Not a bit
A little
A fair amount
Quite a bit
A great Deal
* How well does your leader (follower) recognize your potential?
Not at all
A little
* Regardless of how much formal authority your leader (follower) has built into his or her position, what are the chances that your leader (follower) would use his or her power to help you solve problems in your work?
Very High
* Again, regardless of the amount of formal authority your leader (follower) has, what are the chances that he or she would “bail you out” at his or her expense?
Very High
* I have enough confidence in my leader (follower) that I would defend and justify his or her decision if he or she were not present to do so.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
* How would you characterize your working relationship with your leader (follower)?
Strongly ineffective
worse than average
Better than average
Extremely effective
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