This free survey is powered by QUESTIONPRO.COM
As part of our Pain Research survey, you are invited to complete this follow-up survey. Only complete this survey if you have already completed the baseline survey AND the survey during training. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Anne Marciniak at 07956563896 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Date of Birth
Your pain
What is the level of pain you are experiencing now?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
All following questions refer to the training during which you completed the pain survey. We refer to it as the survey training. End of training is before relaxation.
What was the average level of pain you experiencied during the survey training?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
What was the maximum level of pain you experienced during the survey training?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
What was the level of pain you experienced at the end of the survey training (before relaxation)?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
What was the level of pain you experienced after relaxation?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
Trading time to get rid of pain

The following exercise uses a technique known as time trade-off to ascertain the value in years of life that you place on being pain free. In the following four questions you will be asked to imagine that you have 20 years left to live and for those 20 years you will constantly be in a particular level of pain. You will be asked how many years of excellent health free of pain or ailments are equivalent to 20 years in pain.

If you had 20 years to live in constant pain as intense as you experienced during your survey training (on average), how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
   years without the pain
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain half as intense as you experienced during your survey training (on average), how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
   years without the pain
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain as intense as you experienced during your survey training (at its maximum level), how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain half as intense as you experienced during your survey training (at its maximum level), how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain as intense as you experienced at the end of your survey training (before relaxation), how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain half as intense as you experienced at the end of your survey training (before relaxation), how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain as intense as you experienced after relaxation, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
   years without the pain
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain half as intense as you experienced after relaxation, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?
   years without the pain
Willingness to pay to get rid of Pain

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced during your survey training (on average). However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that suppresses the pain immediately and has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced during your survey training (on average). However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that decreases the pain immediately to half of what it was. The pill has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
No pain during training/No training
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced during your survey training (at its maximum level). However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that suppresses the pain immediately and has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced during your survey training (at its maximum level). However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that decreases the pain immediately to half of what it was. The pill has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced at the end of your survey training (before relaxation). However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that suppresses the pain immediately and has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced at the end of your survey training (before relaxation). However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that decreases the pain immediately to half of what it was. The pill has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the one you experienced after relaxation. However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that suppresses the pain immediately and has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill

Lets imagine.
You are in a pain half as intense as the one you experienced after relaxation. However the pain will last continuously for one year. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening. There is no cure for the condition but there is a ‘magic pill’ that decreases the pain immediately to half of what it was. The pill has no side effects.
If you are an athlete, you may be interested to know that this pill is legal for athletes and will have no consequences on your training (you will not be able to train harder) and performance. It will only work on your pain.
It is available without a prescription but you need to pay for it yourself. You take it once a month and its effects last one month exactly.
What is the maximum amount that you would you be willing to pay for such a pill every month?
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
Thank you!
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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