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INDIA : 3rd Highest ranked country in Rape cases (Reported Cases)
Hello, Thanks for taking out time and taking this survey. We believe we have a solution that might reduce the risk involved when a women has to travel during odd hours or has no company.

I would really appreciate it if you could provide  your honest and accurate opinion in this survey. It will help me focus on the real problem.

For each question, please rate each option/answers on a scale of 1 to 5
. Every question has 4 to 5 options/answers which i think are most related answers. All the options/answers/opinions for each question have to be rated as described below:

5 Stars : Selecting 5 stars for an option/answer to a question means you STRONGLY AGREE.(90-100% )

4 Stars: Selecting 4 stars for an option/answer means you AGREE (60-80%)

3 Starts: Selecting 3 stars for an option/answer means you are Neutral and agree only 50%.

2 Starts: Selecting 2 stars means you Disagree with the option/answer (20-40%)

1 Star: Selecting 1 start means you STRONGLY DISAGREE with the opinion/answer (0-10%)

The reason you need to rate all the options according to what you think is most relevant to that option is because i might expect money for gas every time i give a ride to someone and would rate it 5 stars. However, for someone money might be of less concern if its of same sex and will rate this 3 stars. This is applicable to all options/answers/opinions to a question

Before you take this survey, please accept to be honest and provide constructive criticism. This data will not be misused for any other purpose.

Thanks for your time,
1) You are (Options 1-3 for this question)

2) You use (Option 3-4 for this question)
Select one start for all applicable answers. (This question only)
Do not wish to specify
A Smart Phone
Do not have a smart phone
If you need a ride, would you trust a friend or friend of a friend (Mutual friend) over an auto driver or cab services?
Time dependent (If mass public transport like a bus service is not available)
If the only available transport at that time is a auto or cab
Yes, I will Absolutely choose a friend or a mutual friend at any time
I don't see a difference in taking an auto,cab or bus over traveling with a friend or a mutual friend
Depending on the location and time (Will not if its a pub/bar or someplace i am not comfrtable sharing my location)
How often are you in situations where you feel unsafe traveling in public transport?
Almost Every time i have to take public transport (Bus, auto and cab services)
Depending on the final destinations distance from start point. usually long distances over 5 km.
Time dependent (Between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM)
Every time i travel alone.
I am comfortable when i have company
If you need to give someone a ride, Would you?
Expect money for gas
Will consider giving a ride only if you are heading that way
Will give a ride only to relatives or close friends
I will give a ride to a mutual friend if my friend says its safe
I will never give a mutual friend a ride even if my friend asks me to
If you are a female, how often do you find yourself alone in a stranded situation with no access or limited access to public transportation
Once a week
Once a month
Once in two-three months
Almost never
If you are out late, do you believe either your friends or friends of friends would give you a ride?
Time constrain
Location dependent.
Only if the friend is of the same sex
Have you ever shared a ride with a friend of a friend (Mutual Friends)?
I would never trust a friend of a friend for the first time
I have never traveled with a friend of friend
I will never ask a friend of friend even if i know that is a possible option
I will only if its to work
If a friend of a friend is offering to give you a ride, are you comfortable sharing your mobile number and location?
Yes, I do not have any hesitation in sharing my details
I would prefer not to share my contact details
I would never ride with someone i never met or know personally
I will ask him to drop me close to my house and then walk home ( I dont want him/her to know where i live)
If i am in a location i do not want to share, I will reject his offer to help (Clubs, hookah bars)
 If you are drunk and cannot drive, you will :
Drive home myself
I will ask my friends for a ride (This friend knows i drink)
I will ask/call someone in my family for a ride
I will take public transport assuming its available
I will take an auto or a cab
I always make sure i am not alone when i have to travel intoxicated
Do you think you are exposed to higher  risk when :
Sexual exploitation cases are higher by relatives than unknown strangers
Traveling with relatives
Traveling with close friends
Traveling with Mutual Friends
Traveling in Public transport
Hope we have safer travel conditions for women in India. 
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