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For our sessions there always is no password for any of our sessions just the direct ip adress.there should be no reason for a player or any other aircraft to fly through onther players aircraft unless it was a mistake/no one in the server should be harrassed at ALL.when you are in teamspeak no player should talk about audlt pornography,religion, relationship,or sexuality.the only time you will be ejected from the server will be for pornography isubordination,or foul language.the ip adress is always prompted with you when you enter teamspeak for our games or when you get an email from [email protected]

Where can the password for our session be found?
A. On the Main page of our website
B. Ask a server administrator on fsadventures email
C.No password
What should you always NOT do in a session?
A.Don't fly through other aircraft
B.Disturbe or harrass other players
When you are in teamspeak you should not ever talk about what?
A.Adult Pornography
When will be the only time you get ejected from teamspeak and the session?
A. A,B,C above in question 3
B.Flying through aircraft on purpose multiple times
C.Cussing or using Foul language in teamspeak or FSX
D. Talking about aircraft
Where will the ip adress for the session be found?
A.In a e-mail from [email protected]
B.When you enter teamspeak
C.On the desktop of your computer
D.In your mobile telephone