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Exit Survey
We want to offer FTA Members a powerful website that is easy-to-use and always offers relevant information. We have been online for almost a year now and we would like to learn how to keep improving it. Please answer our short survey below by the 7th of March.

Note that this survey is restricted to FTA Staff, Coordinators and Representatives and members of the BSCI Ad Hoc WG Communication.
* How often do you access FTA World?
Very often (4-5 times a week)
Regularly (1-3 times a week)
Sometimes (2-3 times a month)
Rarely (once a month)
Hardly ever (a couple of times a year)
* If you rarely or hardly ever access our site, could you elaborate on why? Write N/A if it does not apply
* Do you login in to access information restricted to FTA members ?
* Have you watched our website tutorial?
What is the main purpose of your visit? Tick all that apply
Catch up on the latest FTA public news
Access the FTA newsletters
Access a particular resource
Check out upcoming events
Check out capacity building events
Access the Newsroom
Get general FTA information
Get general BSCI information
Get general BEPI information
Other (explain)

* Do you find our site structure and sections easy to go through?
Yes, the structure is very clear.
Somewhat, I had to get used to it.
No, I still get lost.
* How often do you find what you are looking for?
* If you encounter difficulties to find what you were looking for, please illustrate with at least one specific case or situation. Write N/A if it does not apply.
* How do you search for information or resources? Tick all that apply.
General search engine
News search engine
Resources search engine
Side filters (such as categories, topics and language)