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GCI-USA Communications - Board

GCI-USA Communications Survey
Exit Survey
You are invited to participate in our survey. This survey asks questions about the various communications tools that are provided to you as a Grace Communion International congregational pastor.

It will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. However, it is very important for us to gather your opinion, as many of the communication tools we create are aimed at serving your needs. Questions about the survey or the procedures may be directed to Nathan Smith by email at [email protected].

We also welcome your comments and suggestions regarding the various content we produce by using comment boxes throughout the survey. Please, feel free to add detail in these provided boxes. Let us know how you use the content for yourself, if you forward it to others, or if you have suggestions on how we could better the material overall.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please begin the survey now by clicking the Continue button below.
* President Tkach's Weekly Update
I regularly read each issue and find it helpful
I occasionally read it
I rarely read it
I never read it
* President Joseph Tkach's Donor Letter
I regularly read each letter and find it helpful
I occasionally read it
I rarely read it
I never read it
Comments/Suggestions for "Presidential" publications:
* The Monthly Equipper from CAD
I regularly read each issue and find it helpful
I occasionally read it
I rarely read it
I never read it
* INcluded Regional Newsletters
I regularly read each issue and find it helpful
I occasionally read it
I rarely read it
I never read it
Comments/Suggestions for "CAD" publications:
* Speaking of Life - Weekly Video Series
I often use the video/content weekly in my congregation
I often watch the video content myself
I occasionally use/watch it
I rarely use/watch it
I never use/watch it
* You're Included - Interview Series
I watch each episode and find it useful
I occasionally watch it
I rarely watch it
I never watch it
Comments/Suggestions for upcoming video content:
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