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تقوم الباحثة بدراسة الموضوع التالي في مقرر بحث التخرج وهو حول كيفية كتابة أساتذة هيئة التدريس من الجنسين مستهلات وخواتيم مراسلاتهم عبر البريد الالكتروني للطلاب والطالبات. أرجو التكرم بالإجابة عن هذه الاستبانة، شاكرة لكم تعاونكم.

This project is about Gender Variation of Email Openings and Closings in the Saudi Context. It is an attempt of tracing the textual strategies used by female and male in the Saudi context. Please answer the following questionnaire. Your thoughtful feedback is highly appreciated.
I am ------- years old.
My gender is ----------
My Academic qualifications 
A teacher
A lecturer
Assistant professor
Associate professor
My academic experience is --------- years.
Regarding your professional teaching loads, how many hours you engage in related academic & professional business? -----------hours.
How many times do you email your students and reply to their emails per a week?
At least 1 to 3 times.
At least 4 to 5 times.
Uncountable times.
Only urgent emails.
Rarely due to the volume of my work.
Are there courses that require constant emailing between an instructor and a student?
if yes, specify please
I have variation of formal style for email openings and closings.
Completely disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Completely agree
I am satisfied with my formal email openings and
Completely disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Completely agree
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