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guest feedback

Guest feedback
Exit Survey
We hope you enjoyed your stay with us. We would be grateful if you could complete our short online feedback form. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable to us and many of our best ideas for ongoing improvements have come from our guests.

If during your stay something was not 100% as you wish, we hope you were able to speak to us at the time so that we could put things right. However, if not, please do mention it in your feedback form.
Please rate the following: on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best)
Overall cleanliness
Comfort in living areas
Comfort in bedrooms
Conditions of furniture
Kitchen equipment
Overall accommodation quality
What features or equipment would you wish to be added if you visited again?
If we were to improve any decoration, furnishings or linens, which specific item(s) would you want us to upgrade first
Was everything in working order? 
if you answered no, please let us know what your problems were
When you arrived, was the property as you expected?
Yes, it met my expectations
It exceeded expectations
No, it didn't meet my expectations
Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best)
Pre-arrival booking procedure and information
Travel directions
Arrival procedure
Staff attitude
Overall welcome
Information on facilities and activities
Please share any comments you have about the quality of service:
On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best), how would you rate this establishment on an overall basis compared to other similar properties with which you may be familiar?
My overall rating is
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