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To start, we just need to ask you a couple of quick screening questions.

After the screening, the survey takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your time, we will send you a $25 Amazon gift card and enter you into a raffle to win the latest iPad. We are limiting the survey to 200 respondents, so your chance of winning the new iPad is 1 in 200.

Ready to start? Click continue.

* To check your eligibility, please answer these 3 questions.

Do you work or consult for a healthcare advertising or marketing company?
* Which best describes the category of work you do? (Select only one answer.)
I work exclusively within healthcare setting including a hospital, ambulatory care (outpatient/clinic) or private practice.
Some (but not all) of my work involves working within a healthcare setting.
My work does not involve working within a healthcare setting.
* To check your eligibility, please answer these 3 questions.

Do you work or consult for a healthcare advertising or marketing company?
* Which best describes the category of work you do? (Select only one answer.)
I work exclusively within healthcare setting including a hospital, ambulatory care (outpatient/clinic) or private practice.
Some (but not all) of my work involves working within a healthcare setting.
My work does not involve working within a healthcare setting.
* Please check off any of the degrees/credentials that you currently hold. (Check all that apply.)
Undergraduate or graduate degree in a health-related field
Diabetes educator (CDE)
Dietitian (RD)
Doctor (MD, DO, PsyD, EdD and/or PhD in health-related field)
Health educator (CHES, MCHES, MEd, and/or MPH)
Medical librarian (MLIS)
Nurse (BSN, MSN, RN, and/or APRN)
Nurse practitioner (NP)
Physician’s assistant (PA)
Social worker (MSW and/or LCSW)
None of the above
Other. Please describe:

* Please check off any of the degrees/credentials that you currently hold. (Check all that apply.)
Undergraduate or graduate degree in a health-related field
Diabetes educator (CDE)
Dietitian (RD)
Doctor (MD, DO, PsyD, EdD and/or PhD in health-related field)
Health educator (CHES, MCHES, MEd, and/or MPH)
Medical librarian (MLIS)
Nurse (BSN, MSN, RN, and/or APRN)
Nurse practitioner (NP)
Physician’s assistant (PA)
Social worker (MSW and/or LCSW)
None of the above
Other. Please describe:

“Thank you in your interest. Unfortunately, you do not qualify for this survey.”
We will reach out to you in the future as other surveys and projects become available.
Although you are not eligible for this survey, we are interested in interviewing public health professionals regarding a population- and community-based approach to reaching people from diverse backgrounds.
* Are you interested in being interviewed? All interviewees will receive an honorarium.
* We need to confirm your name to make sure there are no duplicate responses. Are you ?
Please enter your contact information. We will not sell or use your personal information.
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Email Address : 
* Please provide a brief description about the work you do as it relates to the delivery of healthcare services to diverse populations.
Thank you. A team member will follow up directly with you.
Thanks for your interest.
We will reach out to you in the future as other surveys and projects become available.
* We need to confirm your name to make sure there are no duplicate responses. Are you ?
Please enter your contact information. We will not sell or use your personal information.
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Email Address : 
What is the purpose of the survey? To learn the different ways healthcare professionals reach and engage patients who represent different cultures and may speak different languages. We want to learn about the successes and challenges professionals experience. By reporting the survey findings, HealthEd Academy wants to help promote the delivery of healthcare with cultural competence and humility.

Where will the survey results be published? HealthEd Academy will be analyzing the survey and publishing a free executive summary, as well as selling a full report online at All data will be reported in aggregate. All responses are confidential, and no personally identifiable information will be included in the report. All survey respondents will receive a complimentary copy of the executive summary and full report.

If you have any other questions, please let us know at [email protected].

Thanks. You are done with the screening. The survey takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

  • Your responses are kept confidential, and no personally identifiable information will be included in the survey report.

  • The Progress Bar at the top of the screen will let you know how much you have completed.

  • Please note that after you click Continue, you can’t change your answer or go back in the survey.

  • Once you complete the survey, we will send you a $25 Amazon gift card and enter you into a raffle to win a new iPad. In addition, you will receive a free copy of the published report.

Click Continue below to get started.
The next set of questions asks about the patients that you see in a clinical setting. Please select the answer that best describes your practice and patients.
* What is the patient education setting in which you currently work? (Select all that apply.)
Private practice/consulting
Corporate/worksite wellness
Other. (Please describe.)

* Is your healthcare setting structured as any of these models of delivery? (Select all that apply.)
Accountable Care Organization
Patient-centered Medical Home (or Medical Home)
Nurse-managed Health Clinic
None of the above
Other. (Please describe.)

* From what age group(s) are most of the patients you work with?
Pediatrics (18 and younger)
Young adults (19 to 39 years old)
Middle-aged adults (40 to 59 years old)
Older adults (60 years and older)
All ages; no one age group is predominant
* What percentage of your patient population is of lower socioeconomic status?
1% to 25%
26% to 50%
51% to 75%
76% to 100%
* From which races, do you typically work with patients? (Select all that apply.)
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Pacific Islander

* Do you typically see Hispanic or Latino(a) patients?
* What are the most common health conditions of the patients you work with? (Select all that apply.)
Alzheimer’s disease
Heart disease
Mental health
Other (please specify)

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements:
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
* I am aware of training programs to assist with cultural competency.
* I am offered opportunities to attend workshops/training to assist with my care of patients from different cultures.
* I am able to attend workshops or training to help with my care of patients from different cultures.
* I am comfortable with my knowledge of the history, culture and lifestyles of different ethnic/racial groups that I work with.
* I am comfortable with my knowledge of the different health beliefs of the cultural groups I work with.
* I am able to work with interpreters effectively.
* I am confident in my ability to interact with patients from different cultures.
* It is important for me to improve my communication with patients from culturally diverse backgrounds.
* It is important for me to receive training about how to engage patients from culturally diverse backgrounds.
* I am very knowledgeable about health literacy principles.
* The patient education that I use is culturally appropriate.
* The patient education that I use can be understood by most of my patients from culturally diverse backgrounds.
* How often do you work with patients from different cultures other than your own?
* How often do you work with patients with limited English proficiency (meaning patients who have difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language)?
* How often do you experience a situation in which you are uncertain how to best educate a patient and/or family member because of cultural differences?
* How often do you experience a situation in which language differences between you and a patient or family member prevent you from communicating effectively?
* What are the challenges you experience in learning about effective ways to interact with patients from culturally diverse backgrounds?
The next set of questions are about how you currently conduct community outreach to patients from culturally diverse backgrounds. Community outreach refers to the activities your healthcare institution (such as a hospital or medical practice) or you, yourself, conduct to raise awareness and understanding among members of the community of health issues and available programs and services.
* Below you will find a list of strategies that we have heard others use to reach patients from diverse backgrounds. Please select all that you currently use.
Recruit staff that reflect the populations served
Provide ongoing staff development in the area of cultural diversity
Make hours of operation more flexible to meet client availability
Involve community leaders in the planning and development of programs and services
Market current services to ethnic racial group communities through the mass media, community organizations, and worksites
Tailor programs and services to the health problems that affect racial and ethnic minority groups disproportionately
Conduct a RISK (Resources, Identity, Skills, Knowledge) reduction assessment to obtain information
Provide culturally appropriate patient educational materials
Offer satellite clinics
Use community health workers (members from the community who are trained to help individuals navigate healthcare visits)

* What are the challenges you face in reaching patients from culturally diverse backgrounds?
* The next set of questions will ask about how you currently engage patients from culturally diverse backgrounds. For these questions, engage means the activities you conduct to actively involve patients in their health care and health decisions.

Below is a list of services that we have heard others offer to engage patients from diverse backgrounds. Please indicate which ones you currently have available. (Select all that apply.)
Provide transportation for those who need it
Use a community-based advisory council to provide recommendations and guidance
Provide resources about financial assistance
Hire or contract with interpreters or bilingual providers
Provide case coordination and assist patients in using the community-based health, social, and educational services needed to improve their health
Extend service hours into the evenings and weekend
Make sure the setting in which the patients receive information is inviting and comfortable
Offer satellite clinics
Establish site-based diversity management teams responsible for developing organizational plans to improve services to diverse consumers
Offer child care
Other (please describe)

Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements:
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
* I have a good understanding of the programs and services available within my community to help meet the different health, social and educational needs of the patients I work with.
* I know how to connect the patients I work with to the health, social and educational services within my community.
* I believe that connecting the patients to the health, social and educational services within my community is an important part of my work.
* Do you deliver educational programs within your community?
* Where within the community?
Local clubs or organizations
Houses of worship
Local grocery stores
Local recreation/fitness centers (such as the YMCA)
Local hair salons and barber shops
Community events (such as street fairs)
Local pharmacies/drug stores
Other (please describe)
* How do you decide on the best place to deliver educational programs to engage patients from culturally diverse backgrounds?
* What are the challenges you face in trying to engage patients from culturally diverse backgrounds?
* The next set of questions will ask about your patient education materials. Patient education can take a variety of formats and may include print brochures, websites, videos, etc.

At what reading level are most of your patient education materials?
6th grade or below
7th or 8th grade
9th or 10th grade
11th or 12th grade
Above 12th grade
I don’t know
* How do you determine the reading level of the patient education materials that you use?
Use a specific software program (not Microsoft Word)
Use Microsoft word
Use the FRY readability formula (by hand)
I estimate based on my experience
I do not determine the reading level of my patient materials
Other (please specify)
* Where do you obtain most of your patient education materials?
Non-profit or advocacy groups
The government
Pharmaceutical companies
I (or my place of employment) develop the materials
Online patient education library (which is part of our website and/or integrated into the electronic health record [EHR] system)
Other (please describe)
* How often do you develop your own materials to use for patient education?
* We are interested in the process you take to create patient education to meet the needs of culturally diverse patient populations.

How often do you involve patients in the development of patient education that you create?
* How often do you involve care partners or family members in the development of patient education that you create?
* How often do you involve other health care providers in the development of patient education that you create?
* How often do you involve community partners or key stakeholders in the development of patient education that you create?
* How often do you seek feedback from patients and care partners on patient education that is already developed?
* Among your patient population, what are the 4 most common languages spoken?
Spanish or Spanish Creole
Other (please specify)

* Below are the common languages you selected in the previous question, which ONE language is the MOST commonly spoken among your patient population?
* Are there other languages that you want patient education materials in but do not have?
* What languages do you want patient education materials in but do not have?
Spanish or Spanish Creole
Other (please specify)

* Listed below are the languages that you selected in the previous question. Among those listed, which ONE language do you MOST want to have patient education materials developed for?
* If you translate patient education materials into other languages, which process do you use? (Select only ONE answer)
Translation service with certificate
Start in English, then back translate, then use community advisors to handle discrepancies, and then field test with the target audience
Develop in native language
I do not translate patient education materials for other languages
Other (please describe)
* How do you assess if your patient education materials are culturally appropriate?
* What are the specific challenges you face when developing patient education for patients from culturally diverse backgrounds?
The next set of questions will ask about the different ways you deliver patient education.
* How do you typically deliver education to patients? (Select all that apply)
In person – one-on-one
Group classes or workshops
Print materials
Videos (not YouTube videos)
Telephone calls
Text messages/SMS
A private patient portal
Social media tools and platforms (such as Facebook, YouTube, and blogs)
Via community health workers (peer educators within community who are trained to help patients navigate healthcare system and interact with providers; sometimes called promotoras )
Other (please specify)

* Listed below are your answers from the previous question. Please select the ONE most common method you use to deliver education to patients.
* How do your patients from culturally diverse backgrounds prefer to receive patient education? (Select all that apply.)
In person – one-on-one
Group classes or workshops
Print materials
Videos (not YouTube videos)
Telephone calls
Text message/SMS
A private patient portal
Social media tools and platforms (such as Facebook, YouTube, and blogs)
Via community health workers (peer educators within community who are trained to help patients navigate healthcare system and interact with providers; sometimes called promotoras)
Other (please specify)

* Listed below are your answers from the previous question. Select the ONE way your patients from culturally diverse backgrounds most prefer to receive patient education.
* How do you assess these preferences?
* What challenges have you faced in using technology (such as E-mail, text messages, websites, patient portals, electronic health records) with your patients from culturally diverse backgrounds?
* In what ways have you seen that technology (cell phones, smart phones, internet) and social media tools (Facebook, blogs, YouTube, etc.) have a positive impact on your ability to educate patients from culturally diverse populations?
When interacting with patients from culturally diverse populations, how challenging are the following:
Very challenging Somewhat challenging Neither challenging nor easy Somewhat easy Very easy
* Working collaboratively with patients to help them adhere to treatment regimens
* Overcoming language barriers or literacy issues
* Helping patients understand their condition and treatment regimen
* Working with patients whose health beliefs and practices are inconsistent with common Western medical practices
* Helping patients access resources within the community that would help them eat healthy foods and exercise regularly
Please rate how often you do the following with patients from culturally diverse backgrounds:
Never Seldom Sometimes Often
* Explain the purpose of each medicine
* Explain the purpose of a form
* Explain how to take each medicine
* Talk about the pros and cons of each treatment choice
* Recommend complementary or alternative treatment for patients (i.e. acupuncturists, herbalists, etc.)
* Assess whether the patient and/or family member have concerns or health beliefs which may impact willingness to adhere to treatment
* Assess potential obstacles to adherence
* Tailor education to help patients overcome obstacles to adherence
* Check whether patients understand instructions (by using methods such as the teach-back or the “show-me” methods)
* What approach do you use to make sure patients from diverse backgrounds understand instructions?
* What approach do you use to improve patient adherence to treatment?
* Hang in there! We have just a few more questions about patient care. The next set of questions asks about languages differences that you may experience.

Do you have interpreters available for non-English speaking patients?
* Please specify which languages. (Select all that apply.)
Spanish or Spanish Creole
Other (please specify)

* Below you will find a list of strategies that we have heard others use to communicate with patients who have language barriers. Please select all that you currently use. (select all that apply)
Use a member of your staff to interpret
Employ an interpreter
Hire an interpreter service
Ask the patient’s family/friend to interpret
Try to work through the encounter
Use visual aids
Other (please specify)

* Among all of the different approaches we have asked you about related to providing culturally appropriate patient education, what are the 1 or 2 approaches that you have found most successful in your work?
* What is the greatest challenge you face in providing culturally competent care?
* Please list any resources (organizations, websites, training programs, etc.) that you have found especially helpful in providing culturally competent care.
* What is your age?
18 to 24
25 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60
61 to 70
Older than 70
* What is your race? (Check all that apply.)
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Pacific Islander

* Are you Hispanic or Latino(a)?
* Are you fluent in any languages other than English? (Please specify.)
* Please share any additional comments.
* As a final question, we would like to know if you are interested in a follow-up interview.

We are looking to interview healthcare extenders on their tips and strategies for working with patients from culturally diverse backgrounds. We will provide an additional honorarium. Can we contact you?
Thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. In order to receive your $25 Amazon gift card and be entered into the raffle for the iPad, please fill in the following contact information. We will also use this information to contact you about an interview if you indicated that you would like to participate.
* Phone : 
* Zip Code
* What is the best way to contact you?
* When is the best time to contact you?
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