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You are invited to participate in our survey [Hearing Impaired People].
We are the students from Pope Paul VI College. We are doing a project about the hearing impaired people. We want to know what problems do they face.Please answer the following questions honestly.
Thank you very much for completing the survey.Thanks.
Do you know any hearing impaired people?
What do you think about them?
Nothing special(Just normal people)
Feel pity
Have you ever help them?
Yes---Go to question no. 4
No--- Go to question no. 5
How did you help them? (You can choose more than one answer)

Donate money
Do services
Chat with then more often

Why don't you help them? (You can choose more than one answer)
Don't know how to help them
It is not my business
Afraid of getting trouble

In your opinion,what might be the impacts on the hearing impaired ?
Talent development
Interpersonal relationship
Social network

If you are a boss, will you employ them? Why/ why not?(If you say YES, please answer in this box)
If you are a boss, will you employ them? Why/ why not?(If you say NO,please answer in this box)
Will you make friend with them? Why/ why not?(If you say YES, please answer in this box)
Will you make friend with them? Why/ why not?(If you say NO,please answer in this box)
Do you know any resources available for them?Yes, what are they?
Do you know any resources available for them?No, what type social service might be needed?