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Exit Survey
 American Indian or Alaskan Native
 Asian/Pacific Islander
 Black or African-American
 Hispanic or Latino
 White
 18-21
 22-29
 30-39
 40-49
 50-59
 60-69
 70+
Where were you born?
In what city and state did you FIRST become homeless?
Where did you stay last night?
 Emergency Shelter
 Hospital
 Transitional housing for the homeless
 Permanent housing for the homeless
 Don’t Know
 Jail, prison, detention facility
 Psychiatric facility
 Substance Abuse treatment facility
 Rented room, apartment, or house
 Owned apartment or house
 Self paid motel/hotel
 Stayed with family or friends
 Place not meant for habitation (car, street, abandoned building)
 Refused
How long have you CURRENTLY been homeless?
 Less than 1 month
 1 to 3 months
 3 to 6 months
 6 to 12 months
 1 to 2 years
 2 to 3 years
 More than 3 years
Approximately when did you FIRST become homeless?
 Less than 1 month
 1 to 3 months
 3 to 6 months
 6 to 12 months
 1 to 2 years
 2 to 3 years
 More than 3 years
Was there a time when, during this homeless period, you were not homeless?
If yes, where did you live when you were not homeless?