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I have been working in Cradle for

Less than 3 months
3 months to 1 year
1 to 5 years
Over 5 years
You are about to answer questions about the culture within Cradle. This will take around 12-15 minutes. We encourage you to complete the survey at once, but you can save your responses at any time and finish them later.

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Select a radio button to indicate to what degree the statement is correct.
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely I don't know
1. Cradle has clear goals for innovation
2. Cradle's CEO is personally involved in innovation
3. My direct manager is personally involved in innovation
4. It is easy to get my direct manager to sign off on new ideas
5. Cradle has rewards for creativity and innovation
6. Creating great products/services is more important than the financial results
7. We will launch new products/services, even if they may weaken or replace our existing products/services
8. My team constantly comes up with new ideas that will change our usual way of working
9. Our financial results are considered more important than our social impact
10. My team supports social initiatives (e.g. charity or community projects) with time or money
11. In general, Cradle innovates by...

Making small adjustments to our existing products/services
Making significant changes to our existing products/services
Developing new products/services related to our field
Using complete disruption to create totally new business models
I don't know
12. Cradle communicates with activists, NGOs and grassroot groups in our field...

Constantly and openly
Regularly, we are reasonably open
Rarely, it is only for formalities
Not at all
I don't know
13. Cradle recognises and works with social media (Facebook, YouTube, etc.)...

Absolutely, each of us can post on social media
There is a dedicated in-house team responsible for social media
An outside agency is in charge of our social media
No, we don't use social media
I don't know
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely I don't know
14. Cradle discusses its environmental impact
15. My team supports green (eco-friendly) initiatives with time or money
16. Our environmental impact is considered more important than our financial results
17. We actively work to be an environmentally friendly organisation
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely I don't know
18. Our office is near other businesses that do different and interesting things
19. There are pleasant places near our office to spend time in
20. I get energised by my office
21. I am free to change and personalise my own workspace
22. When I need time to think quietly it's easy to find a place to do so
23. It is acceptable to take breaks for exercise or relaxation in our workplace
24. We have dedicated space(s) to work on creative ideas
25. Physical exercise is encouraged in the workplace
26. Cradle offers appropriate health and wellness programs
27. Cradle encourages employees taking steps to eat healthy
Never Sometimes Often Always I don't know
28. I gain inspiration from the area near my office
29. I run into interesting people outside my office
30. There is a positive and playful vibe in our office
The physical layout of our office supports...

No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely I don't know
31. ...collaboration and teamwork
32. ...innovation and creativity
33. and well-being
34. My exercise routine is best described as...

I am a couch potato, exercise is walking to get lunch
I move around and get exercise just from what I do
I exercise regularly 1-3 times a week
I am a serious athlete
35. I would describe my eating habits as...

Extremely healthy (organic, etc.)
Healthy, I pay attention to nutrition and balance
Pretty okay, but I have the occasional off day
Even I will admit my habits are bad and unhealthy
36. Our office kitchen/pantry is best described as...

We don't have one
Just coffee and tea
Coffee, tea and a few snacks
A well-stocked kitchen/pantry with healthy food and drinks
Never Sometimes Often Always
37. I look forward to coming to work
38. I am stimulated intellectually in my job
39. In Cradle, people deliver what they promise
40. I recommend Cradle to people I know
41. I feel restricted (a lack of freedom) in my work
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely
42. I feel valued, respected and appreciated by Cradle
43. I trust my direct colleagues
44. I am encouraged to challenge decisions and actions at work
45. I am encouraged to follow my instincts and gut feelings at work
46. My job is in line with my main interests in life
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely
47. People's differences are respected and embraced in the workplace
48. We are able to freely voice our opinions, even about controversial ideas
49. I feel there is trust and mutual respect between managers and employees
50. People take responsibility for their own actions and avoid blaming others
51. I am proud to belong to Cradle
52. I foresee a bright future for Cradle
53. I understand how I can contribute to innovation in Cradle
54. I view the next year for Cradle as...

Full of opportunities for strong growth
Likely to have good potential for growth
A stable continuation of this year
Probably worse than this year
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely I don't know
55. New ideas move up the management ladder quickly
56. We treat failure as a learning opportunity
57. Uncertainty in a new project is easily tolerated
58. Part of our bonus system is directly related to customer satisfaction
60. We understand the current and future needs of our customers
61. My team works well across departments to capture new opportunities
62. We have good tools that support collaboration on innovation projects
63. Our processes are tailored to be flexible and context-based
64. My team spends too much time on administrative procedures
65. My team runs pilot-tests with real customers during the development process for new products/services
66. Cradle is recognised as having a good record of rolling out new products/services
Never Sometimes Often Always I don't know
67. I talk to customers (internal or external) about their experience with Cradle
68. My team uses trend-forecasting (e.g. trend reports or experts) to understand future customer needs
69. My team goes outside the office to observe our customers using our products/services
70. My team shares knowledge with other departments
71. New innovations or ideas are presented within Cradle
72. Cradle is faster than its competitors to launch new products/services
73. There is a forum to present new ideas to management...

Yes, it is well established and easy to use
There is an informal one
Good ideas are presented to my immediate management and they decide
We don't have a platform for new ideas
I don't know
74. When my team has an idea for a new concept, we will build...

All our products/services are considered to be prototypes
A quick and cheap trial to demo the concept
A detailed trial to really get the feel of the concept
We don't build prototypes
I don't know
75. In Cradle, a failure is typically...

Openly shared
Somewhat tolerated
Not easily accepted
Costing you your job!
I don't know
Never Sometimes Often Always I don't know
76. My team meets to celebrate success (big or small)
77. Cradle brings in external guest speakers
78. Cradle collaborates with universities/research institutions doing research in our field
79. I attend events outside my core industry
80. I am inspired by my direct colleagues
81. I take time to reflect during working hours
No, not at all No, not really.. Yes, to some degree.. Yes, absolutely
82. I am encouraged to get inspiration from other industries or disciplines
83. Stress is a part of our organisational culture
84. It is hard to get help from colleagues, as everyone is always busy
85. I am provided with enough training to upgrade my knowledge
86. We have access to innovation experts who can support our projects
87. We have the internal talent to succeed in our innovation projects
88. My team has time allocated for ideation (e.g. brainstorming)
No, not at all Maybe, but based on approval Yes, a small budget Yes, a sufficient budget I don't know
89. My team has an assigned budget for non-work activities (e.g. fun or team building)
90. My team has an assigned budget for gaining inspiration (e.g. events, publications)
91. I get funds to explore new ideas
92. Most of my colleagues seem...

Enthusiastic and excited to start each day
Happy and relaxed
Somewhat tired and short-tempered
Stressed and on the edge of burn-out
93. The workload in my current job is best described as...

Too high pressure, it is killing me
High pressure, my private life suffers from it
Medium pressure, there is room for improvement
Some pressure, but generally I feel in control
94. For me new projects are...

Stressful, they put extra pressure on my other work
Okay, I just struggle to squeeze them in my day-to-day work
I like having new projects along side my regular work, they balance nicely
I love new projects, give me more!
Cradle is planning to start an Internal Incubator Programme with employee-teams (DREAM Teams) that create original ideas to solve key business challenges. Here are the answers to the questions that were asked during the Town Hall meeting on 28 April, 2014, to give you more information.

Are you interested in becoming part of Cradle's DREAM Teams?
No, reason:
If there is anything else you would like to share, do so here!
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