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Overall, how would you rate the level of service provided by Sylvia Brown?
Above Average
Below Average
How helpful was Sylvia in answering your questions regarding workers’ compensation FMLA leaves?
Extremely Helpful
Somewhat Helpful
Not very helpful
Not at all helpful
How promptly did Sylvia return telephone calls or email messages?
Within 24 hours
Within 48 hours
Within 72 hours
More than 3 days
Did not return communication
Within what timeframe does Sylvia return employees back into an active status in PeopleSoft excluding payroll Monday and Tuesday?
Within 24 hours
Within 48 hours
Within 72 hours
More than 3 days
Did not return employees back into an active status
Within what timeframe does Sylvia place employees in a leave status in PeopleSoft excluding payroll Monday and Tuesday?
Within 24 hours
Within 48 hours
Within 72 hours
More than 3 days
Did not place employees in PeopleSoft
How helpful and easy to understand were the answers Sylvia provided?
Very Helpful
Somewhat Helpful
Not very helpful
Not at all helpful
Did Sylvia's attitude and behavior reflect THR’s mission, vision, values and promise?
Consistently modeled mission, vision, values, and promise
Sometimes modeled mission, vision, values, and promise
Rarely modeled mission, vision, values, and promise
Please provide comments on areas that can be improved by Sylvia Brown.
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