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Whether you know it or not, your company is already a brand. It’s the mental images that come to mind when someone interacts with you. It’s the sum total of your reputation, esteem, relevance and uniqueness in the hearts and minds of your customers.

A strong and solid brand helps by communicating effectively, growing an audience, motivating people through word of mouth and informing them efficiently.

What is a brand? Simply put, branding is discovering and determining who you are and who you serve, defining what communicates that best and then putting a plan for that into action.

A brand is not a logo. Think of a logo as the front door to your brand. It’s the intro or entryway. It visually identifies you on things. But a brand says who you are. It demonstrates and communicates your essence, personality and promises.

Our goal is to read between the lines and find the common thread that ties together what we stand for, why we do what we do...then tell that simple story with consistency, excellence and integrity.
List 5 of your favorite brands.
What is it that you like about them?
What are 3 words you would use to describe them?
What do they have in common? Are there any similarities with Integrated Fibre?
What do you want people to think of when they think of Integrated Fibre?
What do you NOT want them to think of?
Celebrity in a Car
For the next two questions consider how you want Integrated Fibre to be perceived. Imagine your company as a celebrity in a car on a road.
What celebrity is driving?
What kind of car is it?
What kind of road is it and where does it go?
What song is playing on the radio?
List some of the ways customers or potential customers could interact with you in the following areas:
Marketing & Sales
Product & Service
Customer Service
The first step in a branding strategy is answering the question “where are we going” as a business.

It’s like Martin Luther King’s 1963 “I Have A Dream” speech.

Imagine vision as a whole pie of big ideas in your area of work.

Your vision statement is aspirational. A great vision statement should stir the imagination and describe what the world will look like when you succeed.

Here are some great examples:

We will lead the fight against extinction. (San Diego Zoo)

To be the most valuable and respected science company in the world. (Dow Chemical)

For every child, life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so. (WorldVision)

An ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other. (Better Business Bureau)

To be the best food company, growing a better world. (Heinz)

Keep it short, avoid jargon and focus on emotional and sensory language.
In regards to Integrated Fibre...
Where are you now?
Where are you going?
Why are you going there?
What values will guide you?
How are you going to get there?
Who needs to do what to get there?
What will you measure to gauge progress and success?
Future Painting
Imagine we’ve gone forward in time 5 years from now. Describe for us what the future looks like for Integrated Fibre.
Paint a compelling picture of where you want to go…be as descriptive as possible.
Write out one "Big Hairy Audacious Goal" you have for the company.
The next step in a branding strategy is answering the question "why do we do what we do?"

It’s like President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 “Landing on the Moon” speech.

If vision is the pie then mission is the slice you’ve carved out for Integrated Fibre. It’s the work you’ll focus on.

It should be simple, easy to say and clearly define you. It should serve as a filter for deciding what you do and even what you don't do.

Here are a few great examples:

To refresh the world; to inspire moments of optimism and happiness; to create value and make a difference. (Coca-Cola)

To connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else. (AT&T)

To connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. (Kiva)

To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. (Google)

To passionately create innovation for our stakeholders at the intersection of chemistry, biology and physics. (Dow Chemical)

To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. (Nike)

It's a rally cry for your team, a motivator. Your mission statement should inspire you.
How do you describe what Integrated Fibre offers to someone who doesn’t know what you do?
What was the spark that motivated you to be in this business?
If you could communicate a single message about Integrated Fibre, what would it be? Do it in two sentences.
Values shape and inform what you do and don’t do as a business.

They're not just statements…they describe and inform your behavior. They’re rules of engagement or standard operating procedures.

They're the inspiration for your organizational culture and guiding principles for your work.

Here are some great examples:

Focus on the user and all else will follow.
It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
Fast is better than slow.
Democracy on the web works.
You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.
You can make money without doing evil.
There’s always more information out there.
The need for information crosses all borders.
You can be serious without a suit.
Great just isn't good enough.

Deliver WOW Through Service
Embrace and Drive Change
Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
Pursue Growth and Learning
Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
Do More With Less
Be Passionate and Determined
Be Humble

Humbleness and willpower
Leadership by example
Daring to be different
Togetherness and enthusiasm
Constant desire for renewal
Accept and delegate responsibility
What do you want Integrated Fibre to be known for?
What areas and issues do you want to lead the industry in?
What are some things that motivate you in the work you do?
Values Brainstorm
Make a list of the values that will guide Integrated Fibre (as many as possible). Try and go beyond the obvious and necessary positive business values of quality, value, customer service, etc. Focus on things unique to your company.
List them here:
Narrow it down and list the 4-6 you find really important.
Now try turning those keywords into phrases. Here’s a hint, start with an action verb.