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Have you ever plagiarized intentionally or unintentionally?
1. Yes
2. No
Have you ever paraphrased someone else's words into your own words from the internet?
1. Yes
2. No
Have you ever used the internet to help with the writing of a paper or any other writing assignment?
1. Yes
2. No
How often do you use someone else's work to improve your own?
1. Never
2. Once or Twice
3.A Few Times
4. Quite a Bit
Do you think that using a friend's paper that has already taken the class and turning it in as your work is plagiarism?
1. Yes
2. It's just a friend being a friend
3. No
Do you think that plagiarism in the school should result in suspension or expulsion?
1. Yes
2. Depends on the severity
3. No
Do you believe cheating is acceptable as long as you don't get caught or if it's for a good cause?
1. Yes
2. As long as it only happens once
3. No
Is cheating acceptable in any level of school?
1. Yes
2. No
Data collected in this survey is completely anonymous. This survey program prohibits the researcher from even knowing your identity. Results will be summarized and presented during our Instructional Technology class for educational purposes.