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Valencia College-On Line Learning Survey-Is It Right For You?

1. Do you understand and are you comfortable with using computer technologies?
A-Yes! I am able to use the computer and Internet easily.
B-Somewhat. I have used a computer and the Internet before and am willing to learn more.
C-Not really. I usually need help when using the computer and/or internet.
Are you proficient at expressing yourself in writing?
C-I am better at live conversation
Do you want the flexibility of being able to participate in class on particular days and times that are convenient for you?
C-No, I need a schedule
Will you be able to follow and comprehend course information through reading?
B-Maybe. I may require some assistance
C-No, I am not good at following written directions.
Do you require face-to-face social interaction with instructors and classmates in order to learn?
B-Somewhat. I would prefer some interaction with my professor and classmates.
C-Yes, I need the classroom environment.
Are you independent, self-motivated and good at budgeting your time?
C-Not usually
Do you understand that an online course requires just as much work as an on-campus course?
A-Yes, I am up to the challenge!
B-Aren't online course just a little bit easier?
C-Online course are a breeze!
If you answered... Mostly A - Online learning is right for you! Mostly B - Online learning will work for you, but you may need to make a few adjustments to your schedule and habits. Mostly C-Come see an advisor for additional information and assistance with selecting your courses.