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Please rate the overall attractiveness of Macau as a tourist destination, on a scale of 1 to 6 (6 being the most attractive).
Completely unattractive (1) Very unattractive (2) Unattractive (3) Attractive (4) Very attractive (5) Most attractive (6)
* Attractiveness
Please rate each of the following possible reasons for your visit to Macau, in terms of importance, on a scale of 1 to 6 (6 being the most important). Just tap once on the slider for each category that does NOT apply to you.
Of no importance (1) Not very important (2) Not important (3) Important (4) Very important (5) Most important (6)
* Gambling
* Shopping - high-end (e.g. Louis Vuitton)
* Shopping - local goods / souvenirs
* Cuisine - fine dining (e.g. at hotels)
* Cuisine - local restaurants / cafés
* Visiting heritage sites / 'Old Macau'
* Visiting museums
* Family fun - e.g. swimming at integrated resorts, go-karting
* Business
* Other
* What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Macau?
Integrated resorts
Macau Grand Prix
2005 East Asian Games
Portuguese Tarts
Other cuisine
* In your opinion, which of the following choices best describes Macau?
Las Vegas of Asia
Shopping paradise
Food paradise
Centre of heritage and culture
Centre of fledging economic opportunities
Gambling, and not much else
How far do you agree with the following statements about Macau?
Strongly disagree (1) Disagree (2) No opinion (3) Agree (4) Strongly agree (5)
* As a tourist destination, Macau attracts visitors with a variety of interests, not only gamblers.
* Macau's recently-developed 'integrated resorts', such as the Venetian and Galaxy, are better than the older casions, in that they have activities suitable for tourists of all ages.
* UNESCO recognition has increased Macau's standing as a heritage destination.
* The higher-end shops, which can be found in the larger casinos / integrated resorts, have a very narrow target audience and are not inclusive of all types of tourists.
* Tourists prefer local Macanese cuisine to restaurants in large hotel / casino complexes.
* Macau strikes a good balance between gambling and other tourist attractions (e.g. heritage), in its development / rebranding of its tourism industry.
Please rate how successful you believe Macau has been, in each of these three aspects of rebranding, on a scale of 1 to 6 (6 being the most successful).
Completely unsuccessful (1) Very unsuccessful (2) Unsuccessful (3) Successful (4) Very successful (5) Most successful (6)
* Gambling
* Shopping
* Heritage / culture
Please rate your impressions of the success of Macau's rebranding in terms of the following aspects, on a scale of 1 to 6 (6 being the most successful).
Completely unsuccessful (1) Very unsuccessful (2) Unsuccessful (3) Successful (4) Very successful (5) Most successful (6)
Social (e.g. standard of living)
Economic (e.g. affluence)
Environmental (e.g. pollution, hygiene)
Please select your age range.
Please select your gender.
Where are you from?
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