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1. Hello:

You have been invited to participate in a survey about the Makeready podcast. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Name of Survey Researcher] at [Phone Number] or by email at the email address specified below.

Some clarification: You do not have to listen to all five episodes. Of course, if you want to, then that is great. But for the purposes of the survey you only need to listen to one so you can give me some feedback. Please don't stress about trying to listen to more than one.

If you haven't already done it, you can download the episodes here:
Each episode is available in MP3 format so you should be able to listen to it on a variety of devices. Or, if you are a podcast pro, M4A files are also available, which can be listened to in iTunes.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
Continue button below.


IRB exemption:

This message is an approved request for participation in research that has been approved or declared exempt by the Texas State Institutional Review Board (IRB).

This project EXP2012G8758 was approved by the Texas State IRB on December 3, 2012. Pertinent questions or concerns about the research, research participants' rights, and/or research-related injuries to participants should be directed to the IRB chair, Dr. Jon Lasser (512-245-3413 - [email protected]) and to Becky Northcut, Director, Research Integrity & Compliance (512-245-2314 - [email protected]).

Questions about this research should be addressed to Duncan Robertson at 512-585-4819 or [email protected].
2. How often do you listen to podcasts?
A few times a year
3. Which of the following podcasts have you listened to? (select all that apply)
Design Matters with Debbie Millman
WTF with Marc Maron
The Nerdist
On the Grid
99% Invisible
TED Talks

4. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience listening to Makeready?
Extremely satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Moderately dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
5. What do you like most about Makeready?
6. What changes would most improve Makeready?
7. What areas would you like to see featured on Makeready? (select all that apply)
Designer backstories
Design process
Design business
Client relations
Advice for designers

8. What did you gain from the episode(s) you listened to? (select all that apply)
Information about design practice management strategies
Insight into seldom-discussed issues surrounding everyday design practice
Wisdom on philosophical design issues
Lessons on practical design issues
A sense of encouragement and camaraderie from the design community
New respect for the subject of the interview
Other wisdom, encouragement, or insight?

9. As a listener, would you be interested in the following?
A comment board for discussion of each episode
Input on who is interviewed
Input on what questions are asked
Attending a live taping of an interview

10. How likely are you to listen to more episodes of Makeready?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely
11. How likely are you to recommend Makeready to someone you know?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely
Thank you for participating in this survey! And, thank you for helping me with this project! I owe you a big one!