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MAREC is looking to introduce a 50% RPS in Maryland next year. Part of this legislation will include a carve-out for solar. We are currently in negotiations with MDV-SEIA as to the size of the carve-out. We want to get an idea from the board as to what our negotiating position should be and what we are willing to live with in the settlement. This survey will help guide our decision. Please have a company representative fill it out with your company's perspective in the matter. Thank you.
Company Name
On our last call Open Road Renewables presented some possible scenarios for the solar carve out and ACP schedules.
How supportive are you of each carve-out and ACP Combination?
Strongly against Somewhat against Neutral Somewhat support Strongly support
15% Accelerated Carve-out; Current ACP ($50); $11 impact
15% Accelerated Carve-out; Slightly Reduced ACP ($30); $5.30 impact
15% Accelerated Carve-out; More Reduced ACP ($25); $3 impact
13% Accelerated Carve-out; More Reduced ACP ($25); $3 impact
15% Accelerated Carve-out; Most Reduced ACP ($22.50); $2 impact
With no concessions from MDV-SEIA, how high are you willing to set the solar carve-out?
Solar companies view a 13% carve-out as the minimum needed for industry solvency. What concessions would MDV-SEIA need to make in order for you to support this carve-out?
None, we support this carve-out
Support for long-term contracts
Lowered ACP
Support for removing black liquor from Tier 1
Excluding out-of-state solar from Tier 1
No concessions are enough for us to support this carve-out
Other (Value of lowered ACP, some combination of the above choices, etc)

What concessions would MDV-SEIA need to make in order for you to support a 15% carve-out?
None, we support this carve-out
Support for long-term contracts
Lowered ACP
Support for removing black liquor from Tier 1
Excluding out-of-state solar from Tier 1
No concessions are enough for us to support this carve-out
Other (Value of lowered ACP, some combination of the above choices, etc)

Do you have any other comments or suggestions for negotiating positions?