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Metric Running Festival - HC Striders 2012

One Source, A Marketing & Research Company, LLC - -
Dear Metric Marathon & 5K Race Participant:

Thank you so much for participating in the 36th annual Metric Running Festival 26.2K and 5K races last Sunday, November 11th. We appreciate you clicking here to give us some input on our events. Our goal is to put on the best races possible and feedback from runners like you will give us the information we need to work toward our goal.

We would like to make sure we are doing our best on what we can control. So we ask that you please take some time to answer the following questionnaire about this event - it will take you less than 10 minutes. We have partnered with a business called One Source, A Marketing & Research Company, to help us understand how we did and what we can do better next year.

Please be assured that your responses and e-mail address will remain confidential. The folks at One Source tell us that responses from each person will be rolled together and your name will never be attached to your responses. So please be honest and tell us what you really think.

Thanks for your input and for your participation in the Metric Running Festival!


Grace Tran, Metric Race Director
HC Striders Board of Directors
Metric Running Festival
* Did you complete either the 26.2K or 5K race on Sunday, November 11th this year?
Yes No
* Which event did you participate in on Sunday?
26.2K Metric Marathon
* How many times have you participated in the Metric Running Festival in the past?
This was my first time
I've run one of the events 2 to 3 times in the past
4-6 times in the past
7-9 times
10 to 15 times
20 to 35 times
This was my 36th time!!
* Overall, what did you think about this year's Metric Running Festival 26.2K and 5K event? Please think about all aspects of the event from beginning to end. Would you say the Metric Running Festival was...?
Very Good
* Please tell us why you feel the Metric Running Festival race was "poor."
Which of the sponsors of the Metric Running Festival event can you remember? Please enter all the sponsor company names which come to mind.

Enter only one name per row.
Sponsor Names
* When did you first hear about the Metric Running Festival? Please select the answer below which best describes when you first heard about this event.
A few days before the race
About a week before the race
Two weeks to a month before the race
About a month to three months before
Three to six months before
Six to nine months before
Nine months to a year before
* How did you first hear about this year's race? Would you say ...
A friend told me
Through Howard County Striders
At Feet First Sports
On another race calendar
On Facebook
On Twitter
Internet search
Some other way
* What was the other way you heard about the Metric Running Festival?
How did you register for this year's race? Were you registered for the race...
On-line on or before September 30
Mailed in registration form before September 30
On-line between October 1 and October 28
Mailed in registration between October 1 and October 28
On-line after October 28
Mailed in after October 28
At the packet pick up
On race day
* Now we want to ask a few questions about the packet pick-up process.

Which day did you pick up your race packet?
Friday at Feet First Sports
Saturday at Feet First Sports
On the morning of the race
None of the above, someone else picked it up for me
* Did you buy anything at the Feet First Sports store on the day you picked up your race packet?
* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Feet First Sports on the day you picked up your packet? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Feet First Sports?
* How would you rate the packet pick-up process?
Very good
* Which of the reasons listed below best describe why you think the packet pick-up process was "fair" or "poor"? Choose all that apply.
It took way too long
They didn't have my information
My information was incorrect
They were out of my shirt size
It was very disorganized
The person that helped me was rude
Some other reason

* What do you think about the jacket (if you were a Metric participant) or tech t-shirt (if you were a 5K participant)?
Very good
* Have you visited the Metric Running Festival Website?
* What did you think of the Website overall? Would you say it was...?
Very good
On the Metric Running Festival Website did you ...
Yes No
* WebFiller8
* WebFiller9
* WebFiller10
* WebFiller11
* WebFiller12
* WebFiller13
* WebFiller14
* WebFiller15
* How did you get to the race on Sunday morning?
I drove and parked
I rode with someone else and we parked
I rode with someone else and they dropped me off
I live close by so I walked/rode a bike
Some other way
* How would you rate the convenience of the parking for the run on Sunday?
Very good
Now we'd like to know what you thought about a few aspects of the Metric Running Festival. Please tell us what you thought about each.
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Don't know/Didn't use
* Restroom availability at start area
* Restroom cleanliness at start area
* Water availability at start area
* Starting line organization
* The course overall
* The cleanliness of the course
* The course being sufficiently free of obstacles such as potholes, cracks and rough surfaces
* Volunteer support
* Friendliness of volunteers
* Enthusiasm of volunteers
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Don't know/Didn't use
* Sufficient number of volunteers
* Aid station support
* Water availability on course
* Traffic control on the course
* Finish line organization
* Restroom availability at finish area
* Restroom cleanliness at finish area
* Water availability at finish
* Finishers' medals
* How was your finishing time compared to what you expected?
Much better than I expected
Just a little better than what I expected
About what I expected
A little worse than what I expected
Much worse than what I expected
I had no clue what my time would be
* About how long did you stay in the finishers area after the race?
I left immediately after the race
I got something to drink in the finishers area and then took off right away
I stuck around for a while at the finishers area but left before the awards ceremony
I stayed at the finishers area to watch the awards ceremony, then left
I stayed for the post-race party
Thinking about the awards ceremony, please tell us what you thought about ...
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
* The awards ceremony as a whole
* The awards themselves
Now we'd like to know what you thought of the post-race party. Please rate each of the following aspects of the post-race party:
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Did not have any
* Variety of food provided
* Quantity of food provided
* Selection of drinks provided
* Quantity of drinks provided
* Location of the post-race party
* As of right now, how likely are you to participate in the Metric Running Festival next year?
Definitely will do this again
Probably will do this again
Might or might not do this again
Probably will not do this again
Definitely will not do this again
* Would you recommend the Metric Running Festival to a friend or relative in the future?
I absolutely would
I probably would
I might or might not
I probably would not
I absolutely would not
* Considering what you paid for registering for the Metric Running Festival, would you say this event was:
An excellent value for the money
Very good value for the money
Good value for the money
Fair value for the money
Poor value for the money
If there were one thing that the organizers of the Metric Running Festival could do to improve the event for you, what would that be?
Besides crossing the finish line, which part of this event was your favorite? That is, what one aspect of the Metric Running Festival did you like most?
* These last few questions are just to help us better understand the responses to these questions.

First of all, are you ...?
* What is your age?
* About how far did you travel to get to the race? That is, about how many miles away do you live?
2 miles or less
3 to 25 miles
26 to 50 miles
51 to 100 miles
101 to 250 miles
251 to 500 miles
Over 500 miles
* Did you have an over-night stay in a local hotel for the purposes of participating in the Metric Running Festival?
* How many nights did you stay in a local hotel for the purposes of the Metric Running Festival?
* About how much did you, yourself, spend during your trip here for the Metric Running Festival? This would include expenses for things such as hotel, food, drinks and entertainment.
Please contact One Source if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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