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Have you ever had your resume professionally written?
Yes, I hired a professional career service.
No, but a friend helped me write my resume.
No, I have always written my own resume.
What is most challenging for you when it comes to job searching?
Developing the resume.
Developing an effective cover letter.
If you were going to learn how to write a resume and cover letter more effectively, what type of training would appeal to you most?
Attending a workshop or seminar with other participants.
Participating in an online Webinar or Teleclass.
Using a home study booklet with information and examples.
If you were to attend a career event for women, what would entice you to attend? Check all that apply.
Speakers sharing information about career strategies and motivational topics.
Break out groups (mini workshops) with 6-10 participants.
One-on-one consultations with career industry experts.
Other vendors and product displays appealing to women such as hair, make-up, image consulting and other career-related professionals.
Resume Critiques
Coffee and light refreshments
Lunch Buffet
Childcare and programs for the kids
Children not allowed, this is a day for Mom

What is your biggest challenge during an interview?
How many job changes have you had during the last 10 years?
What would you like to see on the Military Wives Career Center fan page? Check all that apply.
Articles written by a variety of industry experts relating to career topics only.
A variety of articles that are of interest to military women.
Discussions posted by fans.
Resume and cover letter writing tips.
Job Listings
Monthly give-a-ways.
Products available that would appeal to military wives.
Inspirational quotes and poems
Videos of career workshops and interviews

Would you be interested in attending a Careers Support Group -- i.e. the fan page goes "live"?
Yes, I would enjoy monthly meetings to supplement the information on the fan page.
Yes, I would enjoy weekly meetings to supplement the information on the fan page.
No, I would prefer to stay connected via Facebook only.

Tell us what you greatest need is right now. In other words, HOW can we help you, right NOW? :)
Please sign up if you would like to receive our newsletter and other mailings regarding VIP live career networking events, or email for ezine newsletters.
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Military Wives Career Center
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