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MIRC Leadership Assessment

Exit Survey
On behalf of BG Troiano, you are formally invited to participate in a survey assessing leadership perceptions and practices within the Military Intelligence Readiness Command.  Information from this assessment will help improve the leadership environment across the comand.  Approximately twelve battalions will be participating and the assessment itself will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be will be coded and no specific information about your name will be required. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* Which unit are you in?
203rd MI
301st MI
314th MI
321st MI
323rd MI
325th MI
338th MI
345th MI
368th MI
373rd MI
377th MI
378th MI
* Please indicate your present rank:
E1 – E4
E5 – E6
E7 – E9
WO1 -- CW2
CW3 -- CW5
O1 – O3
O4 – O6
* Please indicate your present role in your unit:
Company/Battalion leadership position (e.g., Command team/squad leader, etc.)
Battalion level staff position (e.g., S-1, S-2, etc.)
Company/Battalion level technical position/other (non-leadership position)
Please respond to the following statements regarding your perceptions of your first line supervisor/leader at your current unit.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* 1. Invites constructive criticism
* 2. Values diversity and individual differences in the unit/organization
* 3. Inspires commitment to the unit/organization
* 4. Looks for ways to make others successful
* 5. Serves others willingly with no expectation of reward
* 6. Freely admits his/her mistakes
* 7. Values integrity more than personal gain
* 8. Sacrifices personal benefit to meet needs of individuals within the unit/organization
* 9. Encourages debate of his/her ideas
* 10. Recognizes when individual morale is low without asking
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* 11. Encourages a spirit of cooperation among individuals in the unit/organization
* 12. Inspires trust of subordinates, peers, and superiors in unit/organization
* 13. Prefers serving others to being served by others
* 14. Considers the effects of his or her leadership decisions on the unit/organization as a whole
* 15. Welcomes ideas and input from individuals at all levels of the unit/organization
* 16. Promotes transparency and honesty throughout the unit/organization
* 17. Places the interests of others before self-interest
* 18. Treats all people with dignity and respect
* 19. Displays interest in learning from all individuals, regardless of their rank or duty position
* 20. Models the behavior he/she expects from others in the organization
* 21. Nurtures individual leadership potential
* 22. Refuses to use manipulation or deceit to achieve his/her goals
* 23. Listens carefully to others
Please respond to the following statements regarding your perceptions of your higher level leaders (Battalion Commander/CSM, Brigade Commander/CSM, etc.) at your current unit. If you have no direct experience with this person, you may consider organizational policies, practices or public communications as evidence of his/her values and beliefs.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* 25. Invites constructive criticism
* 26. Values diversity and individual differences in the unit/organization
* 27. Inspires commitment to the unit/organization
* 28. Looks for ways to make others successful
* 29. Serves others willingly with no expectation of reward
* 30. Freely admits his/her mistakes
* 31. Values integrity more than personal gain
* 32. Sacrifices personal benefit to meet needs of individuals within the unit/organization
* 33. Encourages debate of his/her ideas
* 34. Recognizes when individual morale is low without asking
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* 35. Encourages a spirit of cooperation among individuals in the unit/organization
* 36. Inspires trust of subordinates, peers, and superiors in unit/organization
* 37. Prefers serving others to being served by others
* 38. Considers the effects of his or her leadership decisions on the unit/organization as a whole
* 39. Welcomes ideas and input from individuals at all levels of the unit/organization
* 40. Promotes transparency and honesty throughout the unit/organization
* 41. Places the interests of others before self-interest
* 42. Treats all people with dignity and respect
* 43. Displays interest in learning from all individuals, regardless of their rank or duty position
* 44. Models the behavior he/she expects from others in the organization
* 45. Nurtures individual leadership potential
* 46. Refuses to use manipulation or deceit to achieve his/her goals
* 47. Listens carefully to others
Please add any other comments you may have about the leadership style or practices in your unit (Optional):