Mod 3 Innovation - Template

Exit Survey

How to complete this Survey.

The Best Practice Assessment is a review of capability within the business against 5 levels of capability, ranging from a Basic Level (Level 1) to a Best Practice Level (Level 5). The Best Practice Assessment covers 4 Modules: 1. Brand Marketing, 2. Innovation, 3. Category and 4. Customer.

You are rating your organisation’s capability in the Innovation Module.

Each Module has a series of Components including Strategy, Insights, Process, Measures and People. For each question you are asked to rate your Organisation’s capability against that particular Practice, against the 5 Levels of Capability that are defined.

Please choose the Practice Level that accurately reflects the capability your organisation currently has or operates at.

You are also asked to rate the impact for your Organisation of having Best Practice Capability (Level 5) within the business, for each respective Practice.

Once again, 5 choices are available from Impact Rating 1 - Minimal Impact to Impact Rating 5 - Game Change.

You have the option of adding any comments you feel add context to the ratings you provide on either the Level selected or Impact rating chosen.

Questions 1 & 2 are mandatory, question 3 is optional.

STRATEGY: Direction
* 1. Strategic Business Plan

The extent to which the Strategic Business Plan* is communicated to the Marketing Team and/or NPD team in a way that provides direction for the Development of the NPD planning.

The strategic Business Plan is the long term (3+ yrs) set down and agreed blueprint created by the senior executive management team, defining how the organization seeks to improve performance, through allocation company wide resources to a select number of significant impact strategies that align functional plans.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 The Strategic Business Plan is not communicated through the business.
L2 Parts of Strategic Business Plan are communicated but usually ad-hoc and/or after NPD Plans are prepared and this information usually provides little direction for customer activity.
L3 The Strategic Business Plan is usually communicated after the NPD Plans are prepared but provides some direction for NPD activity.
L4 The Strategic Business Plan is communicated prior to the NPD plans are prepared and this information usually provides some direction for tactical NPD activity.
L5 Strategic Business Plan is communicated prior to the NPD plans being prepared and provides clear direction for strategic NPD planning.
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 2. Alignment of Business Plans

The extent to which your Business, Marketing, Category, NPD, Insights, Brand and Customer plans are developed as one strategic process, and a fully integrated with each other, so that all functions are working to achieve the same goals and are aligned to the same strategies.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our business plans are developed separately and we try to link them afterwards
L2 Our business plans are developed in separate functional processes with some limited consideration of each other
L3 Our business plans are developed in separate functional processes and teams but with cross functional communication.
L4 Our business plans are developed in the same strategic process but with separate functional teams and cross functional communication.
L5 Our business plans are developed within the same strategic process with cross functional engagement and are aligned and integrated.
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 3. Portfolio Strategy

The extent to which your portfolio strategy defines current and desired Brand positioning as well as the Brands extendibility (within and outside the current category). This guides the NPD option selection and minimizes expected portfolio cannibalization

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not have a Brand Portfolio Strategy.
L2 We have a Brand Portfolio Strategy which provides clear definition of current brand role but does not clearly define brand extendibility.
L3 We have a Brand Portfolio Strategy which provides clear definition of current and desired future brand roles but does nor clearly define brand extendibility
L4 We have a Brand Portfolio Strategy which provides clear definition of current brand roles and clearly defines brand extendibility
L5 We have a Brand Portfolio Strategy which provides clear definition of current and desired future brand roles and clearly defines brand extendibility
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 4. Category Vision

The degree to which your NPD strategies are aligned to category vision for how you intend to create performance improvement for the category.

A category vision is a compelling and simple expression of the big picture opportunity for the category that can create internal and external engagement.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 NPD plans are not impacted by any long term category vision
L2 We have a strategy for category improvement that NPD managers have some input into but has minimal impact on NPD strategy
L3 NPD managers participate in developing a 1-3 year category vision, built on consumer and shopper insights, which is well articulated with customers and has some impact on brand strategies
L4 Our NPD strategies are fully aligned to some form of 1-3 year vision, built on consumer and shopper insights, agreed with customers
L5 Our NPD strategies are driven by a 3 year + category vision built on consumer and shopper insights including robust quantification of the size of the prize developed in collaboration with customers. All of our major NPD demonstrates fit with the vision
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 5. Brand/Category Synergy

New products are developed to be brand and category synergistic. The NPD initiative seeks to add value to the brand and category; also the brand and category add value to the new product.

Egg. Microsoft launching Xbox added value to the category through improved product and higher pricing. Xbox added value to Microsoft attracting young males and adding "cool" to a computer geek brand

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 New products are not developed to deliver brand or category benefits.
L2 New products are developed to deliver brand benefits only.
L3 Some new products are developed to deliver category and brand benefits but their ability to do this is not evaluated pre or post launch
L4 Major new products are developed to deliver category and brand benefits and are evaluated against their ability to do so as a key performance indicator pre and post launch.
L5 All new products are developed to deliver category and brand benefits and are evaluated against their ability to do so as a key performance indicator pre and post launch.
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 6. Consistency to Strategy

The extent to which your NPD activities are in line with your overall marketing strategy and you are not diverted into other ideas

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our NPD activities are not driven by our overall marketing strategy
L2 We sometimes use our marketing strategies to select and prioritize our NPD activities but we usually tend to react the our latest thinking or ideas
L3 Most of our NPD activities are created to fulfill our marketing strategies however we sometimes invest time and money in ideas that are not in line with the strategy and often take the place of strategic initiatives
L4 Most of our NPD activities are created to fulfill our marketing strategies however we invest only a small amount of our time any money in ideas that are not in line with the strategy, but these rarely take the place of strategic initiatives
L5 Almost all of our NPD activities fulfill our marketing strategies , we rarely invest time and money in ideas that are not in line with the strategy
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 7. Competitor Strategies

Our NPD planning process explicitly articulates our knowledge of major competitors intended innovation strategies, their anticipated actions and our contingency reactions to them

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our NPD plans do not consider any competitive issues in depth
L2 Our NPD plans make general assumptions about the competitive environment but we rely on our ability to react to counter competitor initiatives
L3 Our NPD plans make general assumptions about some competitor strategies and contain outline thinking on reaction to these
L4 Our NPD plans predict major individual competitor strategies and tactics and contain some per prepared reactions in outline
L5 Our NPD plans predict major individual competitors strategies and tactics and contain pre-prepared reactions to these in depth
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
STRATEGY: Prioritization
* 8. Horizon Planning

The extent to which you develop and review NPD strategies planned into short, medium and longer term, based on the cost and risk analysis

Horizon planning identifies higher cost and risk NPD strategies that require longer time horizons, to ensure that these are balanced with shorter term lower risk projects and yet work and investment is undertaken on the former.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We develop only short term plans for NPD
L2 We have an horizon planned NPD portfolio that is 1-3 years but this does not substantially impact on our investment and activity
L3 We have an horizon planned NPD portfolio that is 1-3 years and guides our shorter term investment and activity
L4 We have an horizon planned NPD portfolio that is 3-5 years and guides both our longer and shorter term investment and activity
L5 We have an horizon planned NPD portfolio that is 3-5 years and directs both our longer and shorter term investment and activity
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 9. Risk/Return Balance

NPD plans document the portfolio of planned NPD initiatives. These have been selected to balance* both risk and return as well as re-energizing EXISTING profit streams and also CREATING NEW future profit streams

*Some small, relatively easy wins and some large and relatively risky wins

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not have a formal portfolio planning approach to risk/return
L2 We plan our portfolio to contain both bigger and smaller initiatives but do this subjectively without quantification of risk
L3 We run a balanced portfolio of bigger and smaller initiatives and subjectively consider the risk and return of each
L4 We run a balanced portfolio of bigger and smaller initiatives and subjectively consider the risk and return of each, designed to re-energize existing businesses and others which seek to create new future profit streams
L5 We have a balanced portfolio of initiatives with robust objective assessment of both risk and return containing some initiatives designed to re-energize existing businesses and others which seek to create new future profit streams
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 10. Investment Allocation

The extent to which your NPD planning dictates investment of time and resources devoted to innovation, to ensure effectiveness in the short term and long term (e.g. you adequately resource for planned long term innovation needs)

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our NPD plans do not significantly influence resource allocation to innovation
L2 Our NPD plans are informally considered and partially influence the allocation of our marketing resources to innovation
L3 Our NPD plans are formally considered and influence the allocation of our marketing resources to innovation
L4 Our NPD plans are informally considered and dictate the allocation of our marketing resources to innovation
L5 Our NPD plans are formally considered in a written plan and dictate allocation of business resources to innovation
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 11. Resource Review

The extent to which you allocate business resources (people, financial) to NPD initiatives in line with the expected scale and return*, continually reviewing priorities and addressing resource constraints and bottlenecks

*Ensuring for example that larger but longer term projects progress as well as short term “easy win” initiatives

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We have no process to allocate resources and projects/initiatives regularly fall behind schedule due to resource constraints
L2 Management occasionally review resource constraints on projects and sometimes reallocate people or budget to overcome road blocks but only when there is already a critical issue
L3 Management regularly meet to review major projects review resource constraints early and sometimes reallocate people or budget to ensure adequate focus on the most important initiatives
L4 Senior Management regularly meet to review major projects timelines at all key stages in their development, to review resource constraints early and regularly reallocate people or budget to ensure adequate focus on the most important initiatives
L5 We have an explicit resource allocation process, reviewed regularly and formally by the Executive Team that effectively identifies and resolves constraints and bottlenecks well before any problems become critical. Highest priority projects are resourced effectively
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 12. Assessment of Value of Innovation/NPD

The extent to which your business assesses NPD as a driver of business success and is judged accordingly compared to other business investments

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Investment in NPD is based largely on perceived short term sales opportunity usually without any substantive business assessment
L2 Innovation assessments are often based on subjective sales/profit projections do not require any specific ROI or value analysis
L3 NPD investments are assessed and made in comparison to other business investments and decisions are normally based on a required ROI analysis
L4 NPD investments are assessed and made in comparison to other business investments, decisions are based on a ROI comparison and an assessment of the impact on the enterprise value
L5 We have a quantitative economic model that allows us to show the impact of NPD growth on both profitability and enterprise value, and this is the key determinant of investment priorities
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
STRATEGY: Leadership
* 13. Commitment to NPD

The extent to which the Executive Team* are committed to innovation. This is demonstrated by active involvement in, consistent support of and commitment to our NPD plans

*CEO/Managing Directors Direct reports

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 NPD plans are reviewed and committed to by the Marketing Director only
L2 We prepare NPD plans annually that are reviewed, contributed to and fully committed to by the Sales and Marketing Directors, but only our Marketing Director actively removes obstacles and/or facilitates the execution of planned activities
L3 We prepare NPD plans annually that are reviewed, contributed to and fully committed to by the Executive Team, but only our Marketing Director actively removes obstacles and/or facilitates the execution of planned activities
L4 We prepare NPD plans annually that are reviewed, contributed to and fully committed to by the Executive Team and some Executive Team members actively remove obstacles and/or facilitates the execution of planned activities
L5 We prepare NPD plans annually that are reviewed, contributed to and fully committed to by the Executive Team , and all Executive Team members actively remove obstacles and/or facilitates the execution of planned activities
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 14. Program/Initiative Leaders

The business has appointed an NPD Program Manager* to lead the NPD Program. The business also appoints initiative managers to lead each initiative team.

*They monitor initiative progress, monitor cross functional team effectiveness, communicate transferable learnings and report status to the Marketing Director/Executive Team

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Program and Initiative Leadership responsibilities fluctuate frequently or are unclear
L2 The business has not appointed an NPD Program Manager and has an Initiative leader for only some active projects
L3 The business has not appointed an NPD Program Manager but has an Initiative leader for each major active project
L4 The business has appointed an NPD Program Manager and an Initiative leader for each active project
L5 The business has appointed a senior cross functional NPD Program Leadership team which supports a program leader, and Initiative leaders for each active project
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 15. Calculated Risk Role Modeling

Executive Team members demonstrate that risk is an intrinsic part of NPD by role modeling a philosophy of a learning opportunity rather than a firing opportunity and calculated risk taking (with contingency plans) is encouraged, given process is complied with

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Management discourage risk taking
L2 Some of our senior team articulate the need for risk taking but in day to day actions tend to discourage it
L3 Our executive team articulate the need for risk taking and sometimes encourage calculated risk taking
L4 Some of our executive team champion the risk of NPD and regularly encourage the team to take calculated risk
L5 Our Managing Director/CEO champions the risk of NPD and continually encourages calculated risk taking
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact

Strategic business plan
Long term planning/strategies
Alignment of business plans
Channel strategy
Long term category strategy
Customer plans – collaboration
Strategy/tactics linkage
Competitor strategies

Horizon planning
Risk/return balance
Investment allocation
Resource review
Assessment of value of innovation/NPD

Commitment to NPD
Program/initiative leaders
Calculated risk role modeling
Sources of Advantage
Improvement Opportunities
INSIGHT: Consumer
* 16. Consumer Fact Base

Our Innovation planning process incorporates objective measures for consumer trends, behavioural and attitudinal measures and is track able over time

*Behavioural measures gauge what consumers and shoppers actually do, how much of what they consume when, etc

**Attitudinal measures gauge what consumers and shoppers think, feel and believe about a brand, e.g. this is healthy, innovative, the best quality, expensive but worth it.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our innovation planning process incorporates predominantly subjective or out of date measures for consumer trends, current consumer positioning, behavioral and attitudinal measures
L2 Our innovation planning process incorporates a mixture of subjective and objective measures for consumer trends, current consumer positioning, behavioral and attitudinal measures and is partially track able over time
L3 Our innovation planning process incorporates objective measures for consumer trends, current consumer positioning, behavioral and attitudinal measures within the categories we supply and is partially track able over time
L4 Our innovation planning process incorporates objective measures for consumer trends, current consumer positioning, behavioral and attitudinal measures beyond the categories we supply and is partially track able over time
L5 Our innovation planning process incorporates objective measures for consumer trends, current consumer positioning, behavioral and attitudinal measures beyond the categories we supply and is track able over time
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 17. Consumer Segmentation Model

The extent to which you utilise a segmentation* model of consumer needs and The extent to which this model is leveraged to create competitive advantage.

*e.g. Usage and Attitudes/needs/Motivation study

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not understand consumer needs in our category, any data we have is out of date
L2 We have a general understanding of consumer needs based on qualitative or old research.
L3 We have a consumer segmentation model based on recently quantified consumer needs research which identifies our innovation but not competitor positioning’s.
L4 We have a category specific consumer segmentation model based on recently quantified consumer needs research which identifies our innovation and competitor positioning’s. It is underutilized as a source to identify growth opportunities and threats for our business
L5 We have a powerful category specific consumer segmentation model based on recently quantified consumer needs research which identifies our innovation and competitor positioning’s. We used this as a core source to identify growth opportunities and threats for our business
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 18. Application of Insight for Growth

The extent to which consumer insight* is central to the development and measurement of marketing strategies and consumer facing activity**

*insight: An understanding of consumer needs or motivations that can be applied to change consumer behavior and unlock

*consumer facing activity: e.g.: Advertising, Packaging, Promotions, NPD, Experiential, Social etc.
***Activity development and evaluation process: The process by which new activity is developed pre in market execution and tracked post market execution.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Consumer insights are not used in the activity development and evaluation process
L2 Consumer insights are rarely used in the activity development and evaluation process and only exist as words on the brief
L3 Consumer insights are sometimes used in the activity development and evaluation process, but are not clearly linked to a behavior change of more people, more often or more per occasion .
L4 Consumer insights are sometimes used in the activity development and evaluation process, and are clearly leveraged to create a behavior change of more people, more often or more per occasion .
L5 Consumer insights are always central in the activity development and evaluation process***, and are clearly leveraged to create behavior change of more people, more often or more per occasion .
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 19. Consumer Based Justification

The extent to which decisions on NPD development are led by a consistent assessment of the consumer opportunity

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 NPD management signoff is not based on specific consumer based criteria
L2 Specific consumer criteria are sometimes part of NPD proposals but this usually had limited impact on the management sign off decision
L3 Consumer criteria are expected to be included in NPD proposals and are taken into account in the sign off decision, some consumer research is normally required
L4 Proposals for significant new products must be justified using objective consumer criteria supported by a consistent research methodology
L5 Proposals for significant new products must be fully justified using objective consumer criteria supported by a consistent research methodology including benchmarks and/or validated hurdle ratings
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
INSIGHT: Shopper
* 20. Shopper Understanding by Channel/ Customers

We have a comprehensive* understanding of the shopper in each of our core channels and customer. This enables us to develop insight based on NPD strategies targeted specifically to these channels and customers

*Mission, Occasion, Channel, Customer based framework

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not understand shoppers by channel/customer
L2 We have a limited understanding of shoppers in each of our channels /customers and we do not develop insight based strategies targeted specifically at these
L3 We have a comprehensive understanding of shoppers in each of our channels but not to individual customer level and we use this to develop insight based strategies specifically for these shoppers. Our shopper insights are partially integrated into our customer understanding
L4 We have a comprehensive understanding of shoppers in each of our channels but not to individual customer level and we use this to develop insight based strategies specifically for these shoppers. Our shopper insights are integrated into our customer understanding
L5 We have a comprehensive understanding of shoppers in each of our channels and major customers and we use this to develop insight based strategies specifically for these shoppers. Our shopper insights are fully integrated into our customer understanding
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
INSIGHT: Specific
* 21. Concept Testing

The extent to which new concept testing follows consistent quantitative processes* which determines further development and go / no go decisions

*e.g. any process that allows benchmarking, such as live testing, quantitative studies etc.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not undertake regular concept testing
L2 We usually evaluate concepts in external consumer research before further development but have no set methodology nor is this a necessary requirement for continuing the project
L3 We test concepts quantitatively with consumers but do not use benchmarks or hurdle measures, this is a necessary pre-cursor to further development
L4 We have a clearly defined consumer quantitative concept testing protocol but hurdles and benchmark measures are determined project by project. NPD must pass this test before product development continues
L5 We have a clearly defined consumer concept testing protocol with quantitative hurdles and benchmark measures, that are category specific and with historic performance data to act as validation, NPD concepts must pass this test before product development continues
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 22. Product Testing

The extent to which new product/sensory testing follows a consistent quantitative process which determines further development and go/no go decisions

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not undertake regular external consumer product testing
L2 We usually evaluate products in external consumer research before further development but have no set methodology nor is this a necessary requirement for continuing the project
L3 We test products quantitatively with but do not use benchmarks or hurdle measures, this is a necessary pre-cursor to further development
L4 We have a clearly defined consumer quantitative product/sensory testing protocol but hurdles and benchmark measures are determined project by project. NPD must pass this test before product development continues
L5 We have a clearly defined consumer product/sensory testing protocol with quantitative hurdles and benchmark measures, that are category specific and with historic performance data to act as validation, NPD concepts must pass this test before product development continues
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 23. Packaging Research

The extent to which consumer and shopper insight is leveraged in packaging development and assessment, and the extent to which a process is consistently applied

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We rarely test packaging in consumer research
L2 We occasionally test packaging, but only as part of our other development research (e.g. in qualitative work
L3 We regularly test packaging communication and impact but do not have a standardized method or requirement
L4 We regularly test packaging communication and impact with a standardized method
L5 We almost always regularly test packaging communication and impact with a standardized method, and use benchmarks to evaluate effectiveness
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact

Consumer fact base
Consumer segmentation model
Application of insight for growth
Consumer based justification

Shopper understanding by channel /customer

Concept testing
Product testing
Packaging research
Sources of Advantage
Improvement Opportunities
PROCESS: Planning
* 24. Situation Analysis

The extent to which the innovation team stay up to date with the latest developments in the category and use this understanding to inform existing and future launches

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We rarely consider wider category performance issues and focus on our brands only
L2 We conduct an ad hoc assessments of category performance issues, using limited set of data, and use this for tactical maneuvers
L3 We conduct an annual assessment of category performance issues, and using a limited set of data, understand the root causes and use this in strategic planning only.
L4 We conduct an annual assessment of category performance issues, and using a wide breadth of data, understand the root causes and use this insight to improve / course correct existing and future launches
L5 We conduct a regular assessment of category performance issues, and using a wide breadth of data understand the root causes and use this insight to improve / course correct existing and future launches.
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 25. NPD Forecasting Process

The extent to which the NPD forecasting process leads to a jointly owned accurate number for supply chain planning of new launches

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 The NPD Initiative Leader determines the forecast upon which supply chain plans are based
L2 The marketing forecast is amended based on bottom up views from account managers but the latter only have limited information on which y=to base their projections
L3 There is a joint sales and marketing forecast for NPD that is built on market top down and account bottom up forecast by SKU, and this one number is used to base supply chain plans
L4 NPD sales forecasting is part of a multi-functional formal process into which all functions have a joint input and from which there is one jointly owned accurate forecast by SKU, with some form of objective external benchmarking
L5 NPD sales forecasting is part of a multi-functional formal process which includes objective top down and bottom up modeling derived from historic benchmarks or market based modeling by SKU into which all functions have a joint input and from which there is one jointly owned accurate forecast
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
PROCESS: Execution
* 26. NPD Stage Gate Process

Our NPD management process includes a formal stage gate approach (i.e. separate approvals for progression to the next stage) and is complete and consistently applied

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Individual NPD projects are pushed through to launch without formal review steps
L2 We undertake ad-hoc review as NPD projects progress, and Have a clear no-go decision point prior to launch
L3 We have a formal stage gate process comprising most but not all of the stages to which most NPD projects run. Decision making “gates” are inconsistently applied and projects can progress without formal management sign off
L4 We operate a complete stage gate process that takes all projects from inception to launch with each stage gate conditional on a formal approval against variable criteria, to manage the level of risk and investment needed. Gates are used to strengthen propositions, approve stages and where necessary stop projects
L5 We operate a complete stage gate process that takes all projects from inception to launch with each stage gate conditional on a formal approval against pre-established criteria, to manage the level of risk and investment needed. Gates are used to strengthen propositions, approve stages and where necessary stop projects
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 27. Senior Team Approval

The extent to which you have a senior cross functional team that consistently and formally reviews the progress of projects and ensures that resources are applied to projects in line with the potential evidenced by development work, and the potential returns

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Project progress is only reviewed at crisis points
L2 Project progress is reviewed ad-hoc within functional teams
L3 Project progress is regularly and formally reviewed by the cross functional project team with little or no senior management input
L4 We operate a senior management NPD review group drawn from limited functions that physically or virtually convenes to approve progress of NPD projects. This group is the guardian of progress of the projects
L5 We operate a senior management NPD review group drawn from multiple functions including marketing, sales; technical/operations0 and supply chain that physically or virtually convenes to approve progress of NPD projects. This group is the guardian of progress of the projects
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 28. NPD Idea Pipeline

The extent to which you ensure you have a broad mix of appropriate new ideas continually refreshing your idea pipeline and have a standard way to assess and prioritize these

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We generate ideas only as and when NPD becomes an urgent priority
L2 We regularly run idea generation activity but we don’t have a clear process for capturing and assessing these ideas on an ongoing basis
L3 We regularly run idea generation activity and we have a clear process for capturing ideas but our assessment approach is variable and subject to individual project manager opinion. Our pipeline varies considerably in quantity
L4 We regularly undertake development of new ideas against our strategies requirements, using a variety of different tools and approaches, and conduct assessment of these against a standardized set of criteria.
L5 We regularly undertake development of new ideas against our strategies requirements, using a variety of different tools and approaches, using wide external participation and conduct assessment of these against a standardized set of criteria. This is confined largely to internal participants. Our pipeline is always full 3-5 years out
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 29. NPD Idea Assessment Criteria

Our ideas are assessed against a common and COMPREHENSIVE* set of criteria with each criterion weighted for importance, based on our business strategy

*i.e. include consumer/shopper need, opportunity profit potential, opportunity risk, strategic fit (with company, brand and category strategies), technical feasibility resource requirements

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not assess NPD ideas against a common set of criteria, our selections are less structured than that
L2 Our NPD ideas are assessed against a limited or variable set of criteria but there are no agreed importance ratings for each criterion
L3 Our NPD ideas are assessed against a limited or variable set of criteria, each of which is weighted for importance
L4 Our NPD ideas are assessed against a comprehensive set of criteria but there are no agreed importance ratings for each criterion
L5 Our NPD ideas are assessed against a comprehensive , set of criteria, each of which is weighed for importance
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 30. Breakthrough Thinking

The extent to which you have an effective process for developing breakthrough concepts

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our process to date has not delivered breakthrough ideas
L2 We use different approaches at different times seeking the best route to breakthrough concepts, with very variable success
L3 We have an established approach to developing new concepts that has been proven to be effective but is not systematically applied. We only occasionally challenge the boundaries of our business and brands and develop breakthrough concepts
L4 We have a number of established processes that ensure we develop innovative ideas. We often challenge the boundaries of our business and brands and sometimes develop breakthrough concepts
L5 We have a number of established processes that ensure we develop innovative ideas. We consistently challenge the boundaries of our business and brands and regularly develop breakthrough concepts
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 31. Concept Development

The extent to which you have a clear process for developing and refining concepts using consumer input

*Iterative means the process builds in the opportunity to have sequential stages of testing allowing improvement and optimization between tests

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Concepts are developed in an ad-hoc way
L2 We have a generally understood method for developing concepts but it is inconsistently applied
L3 We have a clear process of concept development that involves specific research tools, but is inconsistently applied
L4 We have a clear process to develop concepts systematically, refining offerings via consumer testing, but this is not usually iterative*. It is consistently applied
L5 We have a clear process to develop concepts systematically, using an iterative* process, refining offerings via consumer testing. It is consistently applied
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 32. Product Assessment

The extent to which you have a clear process to optimize the delivery of required product attributes to meet the concept* (i.e. taste, performance, etc.)

*We understand how these consumers preferences differ to the average

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We rarely test in depth product attributes as a specific component of our process
L2 We regularly assess the performance of the product itself as part of our process but not always in the same way, we don’t usually use this to make changes, rather it’s a one way acceptance test
L3 We regularly assess the performance of the product itself as part of our process using set protocols, including competitive comparisons, and we often use this to make improvements
L4 We understand the drivers of acceptance in competitive context , which are critical for our new product and its target consumer, and measure proposed products against these using quantitative consumer testing. We sometimes adhere to findings and optimize product performance as a result
L5 We understand the drivers of acceptance in competitive context , which are critical for our new product and its target consumer, and measure proposed products against these using quantitative consumer testing. We adhere to findings and optimize product performance as a result
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 33. Pricing Decisions

The extent to which your business understands and identifies consumer expectations and anticipated responses to a range of pricing options to ensure optimal NPD pricing by SKU and channel

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We develop pricing based only on cost plus and/or internal judgment
L2 We have a qualitative understanding of the target category’s pricing dynamics and we use judgment using this as a platform, to decide the pricing of our NPD
L3 We have some qualitative understanding of the target category’s pricing dynamics but we use judgment using this as a platform, to decide the pricing of our NPD
L4 Our pricing strategy is based on specifically commissioned quantitative pricing research on our NPD that assesses response to different pricing options against a competitive set
L5 We have a robust quantitative predictive model for existing SKU’s in the target category and our NPD pricing strategy is developed by integrating NPD quantitative research on a range of price relativities into our model
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 34. Launch Plan Development

The extent to which the marketing mix is developed to achieve the optimal tactics to meet your objectives (where, what, how much)

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We plan each launch campaign individually based largely using subjective judgment of the project leader
L2 We plan each launch campaign individually but are careful to apply a variety of experience to optimize the mix. Each campaign plan is approved by the management team against strategic objectives
L3 The investments in specific marketing activity for each major launch are carefully evaluated using some objective research data and limited ROI assessment
L4 The investments in specific marketing activity for each major launch are carefully evaluated using objective quantitative research testing and in depth ROI assessment of alternative scenarios incorporating markets norms and historic data
L5 We have a model built on historic data to understand the impact of different aspects of the marketing mix in the context of our category, and use this to assess each element using scenario modeling to achieve the optimum mix
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 35. Customer Involvement

Major new product projects incorporate customer feedback during concept/product development (i.e. before product details are finalized) and also executional planning

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Customers have little input into our NPD thinking and we brief them on our plans at the point necessary for launch
L2 We seek customer feedback at concept stage but it had little impact on our plans and we give customers early warning of execution intentions
L3 We seek customer feedback at concept stage and sometimes adopt suggested changes and we seek detailed early customer input into execution plans
L4 Customer feedback is critical input to NPD at concept stage before product details are finalized and detailed customer is sought into execution plans
L5 Customer feedback is critical input to NPD at concept stage and execution plans are made in collaboration with key customers
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 36. Project Review

The extent to which you undertake regular formal reviews of NPD projects after launch and remedial actions are taken. Learnings are captured and fed back into future NPD planning

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We rarely undertake anything but cursory reviews of projects, learning’s are not captured
L2 The project team usually undertake an informal review of projects, but learning’s are not captured
L3 The project team undertake at least one formal review of projects, and some learning’s are captured and passed on
L4 Marketing and sales together formally review progress of each key NPD initiative at various stages post launch, against the original objectives set, identify performance issues, establish remedial actions and record learning’s for future reference
L5 A cross functional senior management team formally review progress of each key NPD initiative at key stages post launch, against the original objectives set, identify performance issues, establish remedial actions and record learning’s for future reference
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
PROCESS: Enablers
* 37. Innovation Project Management Tools

You have a highly visible system for tracking progress on NPD projects and ensuring adherence to approval protocols (e.g. Stage Gate)

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not have an NPD Process Management tool
L2 We capture NPD initiative progress in a manual recording system that highlights non-compliance with our NPD process when reviewed
L3 We capture NPD initiative progress in a multi user organization wide specialized system that highlights non-compliance with our NPD process when reviewed
L4 We capture NPD initiative progress in a manual recording system that ensures adherence to approval protocols
L5 We capture NPD initiative progress in a multi user organization wide specialized system that ensures adherence to approval protocols
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 38. Technical Briefing

The extent to which you have standardized briefing for technical and manufacturing to achieve clarity of understanding, effective costing and efficiency of resource utilization

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Briefing of technical and manufacturing is handled as NPD initiative leaders see fit, leading to wasted development time and ineffective delivery of solutions
L2 Our NPD project manager use formal briefs to ensure that technical and manufacturing resources are used effectively but application of this is variable and the process is not codified
L3 We have a standard technical briefing process but NPD project managers often work outside it to overcome resource issues and project specific problems
L4 We have a standard technical briefing process but NPD project managers rarely need to work outside it to overcome resource issues and project specific problems
L5 We have a formal technical briefing approach that provides complete information to allow effective resourcing od development products and accurate, timely outcomes that are supervised and reviewed by senior management. We do not expect that projects operate outside of this
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 39. Creative Briefing

The extent to which you involve all likely external resources early in any NPD project to achieve alignment to strategy and outcomes, achieving better, more timely creative solutions

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We brief creative agencies in an informal manner at the point creative work is required
L2 We issue formal creative briefs to agencies, including the strategies issues related to the project, but only at the point creative work is required. We have no formal agency measurement and work to fixed fees
L3 We issue formal creative briefs to agencies, including the strategies issues related to the project, and involve our agency partners as soon as we have concepts to develop. We have no formal agency measurement and do not align remuneration to NPD success
L4 We incorporate senior agency personnel into our project teams from inception as the strategy is being developed. We have a formal briefing process that ensures clarity and we measure our agency performance but do not align remuneration to NPD success
L5 We incorporate senior agency personnel into our project teams from inception as the strategy is being developed. We have a formal briefing process that ensures clarity and we measure and reward agency performance in a way that aligns them to NPD success
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 40. Launch Performance Reporting

The extent to which the business has an NPD performance reporting suite that enables review of financial and strategic performance and proactively highlights performance issues

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not review business performance in terms of supply and demand
L2 Our business reporting suite incorporates tracking of only financial metrics and supply and demand issues are highlighted by people
L3 Our business reporting suite incorporates tracking of consumer, financial but supply chain metrics supply and demand issues are highlighted by people
L4 Our business reporting suite incorporates tracking of consumer, financial and proactively highlights demand and/or supply issues
L5 Our business reporting suite incorporates tracking of consumer, financial and supply chain metrics and proactively highlights demand and/or supply issues
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 41. Innovation History Library

Our business captures and records all NPD Initiative Team, process and performance learnings in a library which is accessible and indexed by discipline (e.g. product approval research thresholds and history, advertising breakthrough accumulated weight thresholds or Team Management learnings) and by project

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not have an NPD history library
L2 We capture some current NPD history in a manual library that is indexed by discipline and brand
L3 We capture some current NPD history in a electronic library that is searchable by any relevant variable
L4 We capture all current NPD history in a manual library that is indexed by discipline and brand
L5 We capture all current NPD history in an electronic library that is searchable by any relevant variable
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact

Situation analysis
NPD forecasting process

NPD stage gate process
Senior team approval
NPD idea pipeline
NPD idea assessment criteria
Breakthrough thinking
Concept development
Product assessment
Pricing decisions
Launch plan development
Customer involvement
Project review

Innovation project management tools
Technical briefing
Creative briefing
Launch performance reporting
Innovation history library
Sources of Advantage
Improvement Opportunities
* 42. Total Innovation Performance

The extent to which innovation performance is reviewed against financial, consumer behavior and attitudinal KPI’s, and the extent to which innovation impact on total brand and total business is measured and reported.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Total innovation performance and impact on business is rarely looked at
L2 Total innovation performance and impact on business is reviewed on an ad hoc basis only
L3 Our innovation performance is regularly reviewed against financial, KPI’s. Impact on brand is sometimes measured and reported at a financial and consumer level.
L4 Our innovation performance is regularly reviewed against financial, KPI’s. Impact on brand and total business is accurately measured and reported at a financial level only
L5 Total innovation performance is regularly reviewed against financial, consumer behavior and attitudinal KPI’s. Impact on brand and total business is accurately measured and reported
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 43. Launch Monitoring

The initiative team intensely monitors the launch, meeting regularly during the early stages of launch to review performance KPI’s and make any adjustments required

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We undertake minimal launch monitoring aside from tracking sales as part of our standard sales process
L2 The initiative team meets occasionally to review performance against plan. Reviews continue on a regular basis for at least the first 3-6 months post launch
L3 The initiative team meets frequently on a planned basis to review performance against plan. Reviews continue on a regular basis for at least the first 6 months post launch
L4 The initiative team meets frequently on a planned basis to review performance against plan and report to management on a monthly basis making/recommending adjustments/actions as a result of these reviews. Reviews continue on a some basis for the first 6 months post launch
L5 The initiative team meets frequently on a planned basis to review performance against plan and report to management on a monthly basis making/recommending adjustments/actions as a result of these reviews. Reviews continue on a some basis for the first 12 months post launch
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 44. Initiative Specific Profit and Loss Statements

The extent to which your business understands the true profitability* potential/created by each of your NPD initiatives and continually monitor this to optimize brand and portfolio profitability

*P&L to trading profit based on ‘activity based costing”. ABC costing is the allocation of all activities as a cost to each project

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not understand initiative specific profitability
L2 We have some form of profit assessment by initiative but remedial action is normally focused on volume measures
L3 We have a robust initiative specific Profit and Loss Statements to trading profit level and take action where initiative portfolio profitability dips below plan
L4 We assess true profitability including estimated ABC components by our key initiatives and we continually monitor this to optimize brand and initiative portfolio performance
L5 We use detailed activity based measures to assess true profitably created by our key initiatives and we continually monitor this to optimize brand and initiative portfolio performance
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 45. Consumer and Category Measures

The extent to which you assess the impact of your NPD initiatives on shopper and consumer behaviors in the category and the category itself

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We track only sales performance
L2 We track sales and consumer performance measures of our NPD initiatives but not its impact on the wider category
L3 We track sales and consumer performance measures of our NPD initiatives and sometimes identify impact on category sales and profitability
L4 We track key shopper measures in our category and consumer measures (e.g. brand switching, repertoire, dollars per consumption occasion) and monitor the impact of our key initiatives on these
L5 We track key shopper measures in our category and consumer measures (e.g. brand switching, repertoire, dollars per consumption occasion). The impact of our NPD on these measures forms part of our internal and customer specific scorecard
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
MEASURES: Management
* 46. Return on Investment

The extent to which high cost of NPD opportunities are validated via robust cost benefit analysis

Fully costed ensures all relevant costs of both marketing and supply chain are taken into account

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not usually validate our strategies with cost benefit analysis, we focus on sales potential
L2 We usually apply a short term ROI calculation to NPD but not to a standardized format
L3 We conduct a standardized rigorous short term ROI calculation but not always involving a range of scenarios, or a complete long term NPV assessment
L4 We always conduct a standardized rigorous short term ROI calculation involving a range of scenarios, and sometimes complete long term NPV assessment, but not always fully costed
L5 We always use a standardized evaluation model that looks at the fully costed NPV of proposed new products to assess ROI based on a range of potential scenarios
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 47. Contingency Planning

The extent to which you have contingency plans* prepared collaboratively by business function (sales, operations, procurement, etc.), incorporating internal and external stakeholders** should you strike difficulties in reaching or servicing your NPD Targets

*A menu of specific costed plans that could be used to correct underperformance
**Marketing Agencies, customer and materials suppliers, etc.

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not usually prepare any form of contingency plan
L2 Contingency plans are developed in an ad-hoc way but the initiative leader prior to launch but are not discussed cross functionally
L3 Some form of contingency planning involving internal cross function takes place before major product launches
L4 We always discuss contingency plans involving internal cross function and some external stakeholder input takes place before major product launches
L5 We prepare detailed signed off back up plans early in the planning of major launches, working collaboratively across functions, incorporating external stakeholders
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 48. Program Management

The extent to which your business has explicit and consistent methods for managing the program of initiatives* for the business and NPD and makes the progress of the entire program visible to management across the business

*Live projects “Work in Progress” summary

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not attempt to review the whole NPD program on a regular basis
L2 We use variable mechanisms for managing the program of initiatives and priorities on NPD and changes to priorities are reviewed infrequently
L3 We have a visible, explicit and consistent method for managing the program of initiatives and priorities on NPD and changes to priorities are reviewed infrequently
L4 We use variable mechanisms for managing the program of initiatives and priorities on NPD and changes to priorities are reviewed frequently
L5 We have a visible, explicit and consistent method for managing the program of initiatives and priorities on NPD and changes to priorities are reviewed frequently
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 49. Project Planning

Each initiative leader develops an explicit initiative project plan* with their cross functional team to ensure team alignment. This is confirmed and agreed with the NPD program leader

*on the agreed budget, timing, people time allocations, outcome, sequence of activities (critical path) and responsibilities by person by task

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not use formal project planning
L2 Some initiative leaders use explicit project plans but these are not accessible to the cross functional team
L3 Some initiative leaders use explicit project plans which are normally used effectively to manage the cross functional team, but do not provide visibility
L4 Each initiative leader develops and uses a detailed visible project plan to set goals, milestones and timelines to manage the cross functional team but changes to this are not coordinated with management
L5 Each initiative leader develops and uses a detailed visible project plan to set goals, milestones and timelines to manage the cross functional team and agrees any changes to this with management
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact

Total innovation performance
Launch monitoring
Initiative specific profit and loss statements
Consumer and category measures

Return on investment
Contingency planning
Program management
Project planning
Sources of Advantage
Improvement Opportunities
* 50. NPD Teams

The extent to which we use appropriate internal/external cross functional project teams, working to agreed goals and timelines, incorporating wide stakeholder feedback

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Major new products are developed without cross functional teams and do not normally incorporate wider stakeholder feedback
L2 Major new products are developed without cross functional teams but some informal broader stakeholder input is sought
L3 Major new products are developed cross functional project teams and include regular informal stakeholder feedback
L4 Major new products are sometimes developed in cross functional project teams including both internal functions and agencies and incorporate formal stakeholder feedback before product details are finalized
L5 Major new products are developed in cross functional project teams including both internal functions and agencies and incorporate wide formal stakeholder feedback before product details are finalized
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 51. Team Management

The Initiative Project Leader holds frequent team meetings to confirm progress, remove obstacles, update the critical path and manage performance as necessary. Senior Management are available to recognize/resolve over or under performance by a team member when helpful

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not lead initiative teams well and there are few mechanisms to help initiative leaders
L2 Initiative team leaders hold ad-hoc team meeting to manage progress and do not have explicit escalation mechanisms available to them
L3 Initiative team leaders hold frequent and regular team meetings to manage progress and do not have explicit escalation mechanisms available to them
L4 Initiative team leaders hold ad-hoc team meetings to manage progress and have escalation to senior management mechanisms available to them
L5 Initiative team leaders hold frequent and regular team meetings to manage progress and have escalation to senior management mechanisms available to them
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 52. Team Review

The extent to which the Initiative Teams review their performance in terms of their individual behaviors in their roles and also in terms of how well the team delivered the initiative

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We do not undertake post project team reviews
L2 The team leader will sometimes undertake a review from their individual perspective but this would not normally be shard or learning’s transferred
L3 Occasionally teams working on major NPD initiatives may have a post project review but it is not the norm and the learning’s are often not transferred
L4 Teams working on major NPD initiatives will often have a post project review and the learning’s are recorded
L5 Part of our normal activity process is to undertake post project team reviews at which we discuss both individual and team performance to identify improvements for the future , then record and transfer learning’s
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 53. Performance – KPI Accountability

The extent to which individuals within the NPD teams feel accountable for delivery of the Key Performance Indicators in their NPD plans

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Individuals within our NPD initiative teams do not feel accountable for delivery of the KPI’s and are not specifically measured on project achievement
L2 Some individuals within our NPD initiative teams are partially accountable for delivery of the KPI’s within their NPD plans and are not specifically measured on project achievement
L3 All individuals within our NPD initiative teams are partially accountable for delivery of the KPI’s within their NPD plans and are not fully measured on project achievement
L4 All individuals within our NPD initiative teams are fully accountable for delivery of the KPI’s within their NPD plans and are measured on project achievement
L5 All individuals within our NPD initiative teams are individually fully accountable for delivery of the KPI’s within their NPD plans and are measured on project achievement. There are consequences for over and under performance
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 54. Competency Framework

The extent to which you have defined the required competency levels for each role in the marketing function and are able to identify development needs for individuals necessary for progressing

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We have not defined the necessary competency drivers of success in NPD roles
L2 We have a competency framework in the organization but not one tailored specifically to NPD. Sometimes we use this to define development needed
L3 We have an NPD competency framework but it is not used to define development needs with any regularity
L4 We have an internally built comprehensive framework that identifies the key competencies necessary for NPD success and defines the levels of competency needed for each specific NPD role. We regularly use this to drive individual development interventions
L5 We have an externally verified comprehensive framework that identifies the key competencies necessary for NPD success and defines the levels of competency needed for each specific NPD role. We continually use this to build individual development programs
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 55. Skills Audits

The extent to which you have annual skills audits that include objective assessment techniques (e.g. reviews of actual work examples, interviews by specialists), and the extent to which specific skill levels are expected for an individual’s current role and the next role up in the hierarchy

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 We subjectively assess skills on a needs basis from time to time
L2 We complete annual subjective skill audits and feedback to individuals for their current level of skill versus the desired level for their current role only
L3 We complete annual subjective skill audits and feedback to individuals for their current level of skill versus the desired level for both their current role and the next role up
L4 We complete annual objective skill audits and feedback to individuals for their current level of skill versus the desired level for their current role only
L5 We complete annual objective skill audits and feedback to individuals for their current level of skill versus the desired level for both their current role and the next role up
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 56. Cross Functional Working

The extent to which your functions work together in executing NPD plans and responding to the ad-hoc NPD issues (issues that arise outside of plan)

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our business functions operate in silos with very little interaction and quite often cross-functional blame emerges
L2 Our business functions sometimes work together but largely in response to a need rather than proactively
L3 Our business functions work together on specific projects where there is a project manager to bring the team together
L4 Our business functions work for the most part in a collaborative fashion towards achieving NPD plans but we still have some trouble in collaborative responses to ad-hoc issues
L5 Our business functions work consistently in a collaborative fashion towards achieving NPD plans and responding to ad-hoc issues
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact
* 57. Decision Making Speed

The extent to which you are able to collate the right information appropriate to the risk being considered, and convene the right people to make strategic decisions and take action quickly to exploit market opportunities

Please choose the response that most closely fits your assessment of the current status.

KEY: L1 Not Undertaken, L2 Basic Activity, L3 Developed, L4 Advanced, L5 Best Practice
L1 Our decision making process is variable and unclear, major decisions take considerable time to be made and action taken
L2 We know who needs to be involved in decision making but the information needed is very variable, and decision making is often slowed by different requirements for data/briefing
L3 We have clarity on what information is needed and who needs to be involved in making decisions , but generally we spend too much time on analysis, and the need to get many approvals means we are not as fast to action as we would like
L4 We regularly make timely decisions with information levels appropriate to the risk being considered, managers are encouraged to work together to make decisions and take action, and we usually move quickly to exploit opportunities
L5 We have a get it done culture with a priority of making quick decisions with information levels appropriate to the risk being considered, managers are expected to work together to make decisions and show a bias for action, and we almost always move quickly to exploit opportunities
Please rate the potential impact each practice could have on your results if you were at L5 (Best Practice) for the previous question.

KEY: 1 Minimal Impact, 2 Noticeable Impact, 3 Competitive Edge 4 Step Change, 5 Game Change
1 2 3 4 5
* Potential impact

NPD teams
Team management
Team review
Performance - KPI accountability
Competency framework
Skills audit
Cross functional working
Decision making speed
Sources of Advantage
Improvement Opportunities