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Exit Survey
1. Hi there!

This poll/survey is strictly for the administrators of Moon Called to gather more information on how or what brought you to the site in the first place. We want to see which of our many efforts in advertising MC has paid off and perhaps which of them hasn't so much, primarily so that we may focus more on what does work. There are also a few other questions mixed in, these are just because we're curious what your opinion is. Please be honest, because without your honesty we can't adequately use this information to help better the site, which is what we are always striving for. Thank you!


* 2. How did you find Moon Called? If you found us through a RPG site advertisement, affiliate button or through another means not listed, please give us the title of the site in the option titled "other".
Painting Wonderland
Candyland Couture
Caution 2.0
Chasing The Beats
through a friend
through a rpg site advertisement
saw our button as a site affiliate

* 3. What was it about our advertisement that had you clicking it to find out more? (select all that apply)
General Graphic Aesthetics.
The written description.
That the site was labelled a "Mercy Thompson RPG".
GIF Manipulation.
The sites genre label (ex: supernatural, werewolf, vampire, fae etc.)
This question doesn't apply to me.

* 4. What was it about our affiliate button that made you want to take a look at our site? (select all that apply)
Animated GIF (eye catching)
The sites name (Moon Called)
That the button was located on a site I value.
This question doesn't apply to me.

* 5. What is important to you when deciding on a site to join? (select all that apply)
Friendly Staff.
Site Rating (ex: 3 3 3, PG-13, M etc.)
Wanted Characters.
High Activity Level.
Medium Activity Level.
Fair Rules.
The Goody's (ex: cbox, awards, gossip, weather etc.)
How big the site is in terms of members/characters.

* 6. What do you think of our rules?
Entirely to laid back.
To Strict.
* 7. The first time you visited us, did someone welcome you in the cbox?
* 8. What did you think about the verification video The Fox ?
Absolutely HILARIOUS!
Great, you got it stuck in my head.
It was the worst song I've ever heard.
I think the admins are ridiculous for making me watch this.
It was ok. Rules are rules.
9. Comment or suggestion about your first impression of Moon Called? Please put that here, we love feedback!