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Questions marked with an * are required
Thank you for taking our survey, your input helps us provide you with excellent service. Should you like for us to know who you are, please enter your First and Last name in the text box below.
*Anonymous or not, please give us your honest feedback.
1. Overall how would you rate the Seminar?
2. Please rate the following aspects of the seminar presentation:
Excellent Good Neutral Poor Terrible
* Relevance of the Seminar Topic
* Usefulness of Information Presented
* Quality of the Presentation
* Live Demonstrations
* 3. Was the presentation level too detailed or too easy for you?
Much too detailed
Somewhat detailed
Just right
Somewhat easy
Much too easy
* 4. What is your time frame for purchasing new digital radios?
Within 1-2 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
Don't know yet
No plans to purchase digital
5. Please rate the following aspects of the seminar organization:
Excellent Good Neutral Poor Terrible
* Invitations
* Scheduling and timing
* Choice of facility/venue
* Parking and directions
* Refreshments
* 6. Based on your experience at this seminar, how likely are you to attend future seminars?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not likely
* 7. What was your favorite part of the seminar?
* 8. What was your least favorite part of the seminar?
* 9. What other information would you like to see covered in future seminars?
I'm Moving On Up with Aerowave Technologies!