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Questions marked with an * are required
Thank you for taking our survey, your input helps us provide you with excellent service. Should you like for us to know who you are, please enter your First and Last name in the text box below.
*Anonymous or not, please give us your honest feedback.
* 1. Did we do a good job of keeping you informed as to the details leading up to the seminar?
Yes, but could do with less emails
No, I needed more details
* 2. Did you think the location was a reasonable distance as far as travel?
Yes, very reasonable
A little far, but still would have come
Too far, would not attend
3. How would you rate your interest level on the following topics?
Very Interested Interested Not Interested N/A
* How analog and digital radios work together
* Live demonstrations of digital features
* Eliminating monthly cellular recurring fees
* GPS Tracking of people and vehicles
* How to migrate to digital equipment on a budget
* 4. What is your time frame for purchasing new digital radios?
Within 1-2 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
Don't know yet
No plans to purchase digital
5. Would you like a "Cliffnotes" version of the seminar from your sales rep?
*if YES please click the address below to send an email requesting seminar information

[email protected]
* 6. If we were to do another Moving On Up seminar in the Fall would you be interested?
* 7. If we were to do another Moving On Up seminar, what month best fits your schedule?

(Select all that apply)

* 8. What topics would you like to see covered in future seminars?

(Select all that apply)
Digital Features
Over The Air Programming (OTAP)
Aerolink Compatibility

I'm Moving On Up with Aerowave Technologies!