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MRT Meeting Frebuary 2014

MRT Meeting Survey - March 2014
Exit Survey
Thank you for attending the MRT February 2014 meeting. Please take a few minutes to do a short 5 question survey. We cannot improve these meetings without your help and look forward to your feedback

How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the meeting?
Very Low
Very High
Please Rank the info sessions on a scale of 1-5? (1 being low 5 being high)
1 2 3 4 5
Registration/YTD Update
Production Exemptions/Production Excellence
Food Safety
Tim Cup Challenge
Lonestar Update
Advanced FST
Equipment Workshops
Restaurant Opening Best Practices
WebEx/Adult Learning Principles
NPI/Ops Standards Training
Is there any other departments/sessions that you would like see presented at future meetings?
What is the most challenging part of your role as an MRT?
Any suggestions to make our next meeting more effective?