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Hello Friends and Fans,

The survey we are asking you to participate in is completely anonymous and optional. You will not be asked to identify yourself or be tracked in any way. We are simply poling those individuals who visit our Facebook Fan Page and other Social Media Sites to gain a clearer understanding of the people who may have interest in our television show. With the information we will gather from multiple sources, we can make educated predictions respective to the entire population. You help is very much appreciated and we thank you in advance. To complete this survey, please provide a response for each question. This should take no long than a minute or two of your time. Again, thank you! Please click on the "I AGREE" button below to begin.
Do you consider yourself to be a fan of any of the motor sports?
Do you attend live automobile races in your area when they are available?
Do you watch any of your favorite motor sport genres on television?
Only When Someone Else Is Watching
Considering your response about watching motor sports on television, during the 2014 racing season, approximately how many time did you watch a televised motor sports racing event?
More than 20 times
More than 10 times, but less than 20 times
More than 5 times, but less than 10 times
1 or 2 times
Not at all.
Please provide a response to each of the following racing genres based on your television viewing.
Most Often Sometimes Rarely Never
I have heard the rumors that "My Fantasy Racer" is undergoing some changes which might include a name change. I believe this rumor to be?
If I indicated that I believe the name change rumor to be true, I think the new name will be? Please type in your response below.
I would love to be a contestant on the show and have my chance to drive a race car and to earn huge cash and win exotic prizes.
Just a Fan Here
If invited to do so, how likely are you to join a mailing list to receive inbox updates and other communications about the show?  (Your response does not constitute a sign-up agreement).
Very Likely
Not Very Likely
Don't You Dare
Thank You for your participation. We appreciate your help. Your privacy is protected and assured. Again, Thank You!!!
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