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Exit Survey

As part of the HR Business Partner Services Group's aim to be of better service providers to all of its stakeholders, the team has come up with an initial survey to benchmark its performance as well as expectations from each of the participating audience.

All the data will be treated confidential and will only be used for genertaing action plans for the entire group. We encourage you to be very honest with your answers so as to make the generation of action items realistic and relevant.

Thank you for your participation this survey and we look forward to provide better service to your respective departments through our people, process and technology initiatives.

Human Resources
How long have you been with vCustomer?
0 to 6 months
6 months to 1 year
More than 1 year
Which account do you belong to?
How frequent do you interact with HR?
Most Often
If need be
* In General, how satisfied are you with our services?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
* If you answered very unsatisfied or unsatisfied, what are the things that you would like to see improvement on?
* How would you rate our current HR Represenattives in terms of their professional bearing?
Very unacceptable
Needs improvement
Somehwhat proactive and addreses concerns effectively
Shows high credibility and competency towards his/her responsibilities.
* If you answered very unacceptable or needs improvement, what areas/concerns do you have regarding our HR representative's Profesional demeanor?
* What programs/project would you like to see get implemented by HR for your department?
What strengths do you see with the current HR Group?
What improvements do you see needs to be taken up by the HR Services Group?