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NCS14 Chorister Media Surveys

Exit Survey
Dear Choristers;

We are very excited to have you in Sydney in January for National Choral School - the countdown is certainly on! This year we would like to collect some of your stories so that we might showcase some of the amazing places you come from and wonderful things you do to be able to participate in NCS.

We have compiled a list of questions to help you tell us your story - feel free to write as much as you'd like. The survey is completely optional.

However, your participation in this survey is very important to us. We want to gather your stories so that we can let everyone know just how special National Choral school is!

* What is your name?
* Which choir or program have you been offered in 2014?
Where do you live?
What can you tell us that is special and interesting about your hometown? (Suggestions: Do you come from a place with a special industry? Do you live on a farm, or have you grown up in a community of surfers? Anything that is an identifier of your area!)
Send us a picture of you in your favorite place at home - we want to see the wonderful places you come from!
How are you getting to Choral School this year?
On the wings of a song (just kidding!)
How are you raising the money to come to NCS in 2014?? Use the More Information box to tell us more about your answer
Through my own savings
Working. If you are working, tell us about your job
Crowd-funding. If you are crowd-funding tell us how you're doing it and what platform you're using
I am fundraising. If you are fundraising tell us how
My parents are giving me this opportunity
It is my Christmas present
I received a bursary from Gondwana Choirs
I received a bursary or scholarship from my school or community
More information
Tell us something unexpected about you?
Does music run in your family? If yes, tell us about what sort! If no, tell us what does!
What is your favourite thing about Choral School? If it is your first time, what are you most looking forward to?