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This questionnaire contains roughly 250 statements. Please read each item carefully and select the one answer that best corresponds to your agreement or disagreement.

Select Strongly Disagree if the statement is definitely false or you strongly disagree.
Select Disagree if the statement is mostly false or if you disagree.
Select Neutral if the statement is about equally true or false, if you cannot decide, or if you are neutral on the statement.
Select Agree if the statement is mostly true or if you agree.
Select Strongly Agree if the statement is definitely true or if you strongly agree.

There are no right or wrong answers, and you need not be an "expert" to complete this questionnaire. Describe yourself honestly and state your opinions as accurately as possible.

By selecting the box below you accept agreement that your instructor will analyze your individual results for scoring purposes, will maintain complete confidentiality of your responses, and will not share your individual scores with anyone other than you personally and if shared at anytime the scores will be aggregated (combined) with all response so that only class averages or correlations are presented. Please select the box to continue with the survey.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
1. I am not a worrier.
2. I really like most people I meet.
3. I have a very active imagination.
4. I tend to be cynical and skeptical of others' intentions.
5. I'm known for my prudence and common sense.
6. I often get angry at the way people treat me.
7. I shy away from crowds of people.
8. Aesthetic and artistic concerns aren't very important to me.
9. I'm not crafty or sly.
10. I would rather keep my options open than plan everything in advance.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
11. I rarely feel lonely or blue.
12. I am dominant, forceful, and assertive.
13. Without strong emotions, life would be uninteresting to me.
14. Some people think I'm selfish and egotistical.
15. I try to perform all the tasks assigned to me conscientiously.
16. In dealing with other people, I always dread making a social blunder.
17. I have a leisurely style in work and play.
18. I'm pretty set in my ways.
19. I would rather cooperate with others than compete with them.
20. I am easy-going and lackadaisical.
21. I rarely overindulge in anything.
22. I often crave excitement.
23. I often enjoy playing with theories or abstract ideas.
24. I don't mind bragging about my talents and accomplishments.
25. I'm pretty good about pacing myself so as to get things done on time.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
26. I often feel helpless and want someone else to solve my problems.
27. I have never literally jumped for joy.
28. I believe letting students hear controversial speakers can only confuse and mislead them.
29. Political leaders need to be more aware of the human side of their policies.
30. Over the years I've done some pretty stupid things.
31. I am easily frightened.
32. I don't get much pleasure from chatting with people.
33. I try to keep all my thoughts directed along realistic lines and avoid flights of fancy.
34. I believe that most people are basically well-intentioned.
35. I don't take civic duties like voting seriously.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
36. I'm an even tempered person.
37. I like to have a lot of people around me.
38. I am sometimes completely absorbed in music I am listening to.
39. If necessary, I am willing to manipulate people to get what I want.
40. I keep my belongings neat and clean.
41. Sometimes I feel completely worthless.
42. I sometimes fail to assert myself as much as I should.
43. I rarely experience strong emotions.
44. I try to be courteous to everyone I meet.
45. Sometimes I'm not as dependable or reliable as I should be.
46. I seldom feel self-conscious when I'm around people.
47. When I do things, I do them vigorously.
48. I think it's interesting to learn and develop new hobbies.
49. I can be sarcastic and cutting when I need to be.
50. I have a clear set of goals and work toward them in an orderly fashion.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
51. I have trouble resisting my cravings.
52. I wouldn't enjoy vacationing in Las Vegas.
53. I find philosophical arguments boring.
54. I'd rather not talk about myself and my achievements.
55. I waste a lot of time before settling down to work.
56. I feel I am capable of coping with most of my problems.
57. I have sometimes experienced intense joy or ecstasy.
58. I believe that laws and social policies should change to reflect the needs of a changing world.
59. I'm hard-headed and tough-minded in my attitudes.
60. I think things through before coming to a decision.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
61. I rarely feel fearful or anxious.
62. I'm known as a warm and friendly person.
63. I have an active fantasy life.
64. I believe that most people will take advantage of you if you let them.
65. I keep myself informed and usually make intelligent decisions.
66. I am known as hot-blooded and quick-tempered.
67. I usually prefer to do things alone.
68. Watching ballet or modern dance bores me.
69. I couldn't deceive anyone even if I wanted to.
70. I am not a very methodical person.
71. I am seldom sad or depressed.
72. I have often been a leader of groups I have belonged to.
73. How I feel about things is important to me.
74. Some people think of me as cold and calculating.
75. I pay my debts promptly and in full.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
76. At times I have been so ashamed I just wanted to hide.
77. My work is likely to be slow but steady.
78. Once I find the right way to do something, I stick to it.
79. I hesitate to express my anger even when it's justified.
80. When I start a self-improvement program, I usually let it slide after a few days.
81. I have little difficulty resisting temptation.
82. I have sometimes done things just for "kicks" or "thrills."
83. I enjoy solving problems or puzzles.
84. I'm better than most people, and I know it.
85. I am a productive person who always gets the job done.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
86. When I'm under a great deal of stress, sometimes I feel like I'm going to pieces.
87. I am not a cheerful optimist.
88. I believe we should look to our religious authorities for decisions on moral issues.
89. We can never do too much for the poor or elderly.
90. Occasionally I act first and think later.
91. I often feel tense and jittery.
92. Many people think of me as somewhat cold and distant.
93. I don't like to waste my time daydreaming.
94. I think most of the people I deal with are honest and trustworthy.
95. I often come into situations without being fully prepared.
96. I am not considered a touch or temperamental person.
97. I really feel the need for other people if I am by myself for long.
98. I am intrigued by the patterns I find in art and nature.
99. Being perfectly honest is a bad way to do business.
100. I like to keep everything in its place so I know just where it is.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
101. I have sometimes experienced a deep sense of guilt or sinfulness.
102. In meetings, I usually let others do the talking.
103. I seldom pay much attention to my feelings of the moment.
104. I generally try to be thoughtful and considerate.
105. Sometimes I cheat when I play solitaire.
106. It doesn't embarrass me too much if people ridicule and tease me.
107. I often feel as if I'm bursting with energy.
108. I often try new and foreign foods.
109. If I don't like people, I let them know it.
110. I work hard to accomplish my goals.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
111. When I am having my favorite foods, I tend to eat too much.
112. I tend to avoid movies that are shocking or scary.
113. I sometimes lose interest when people talk about very abstract, theoretical matters.
114. I try to be humble.
115. I have trouble making myself do what I should.
116. I keep a cool head in emergencies
117. Sometimes I bubble with happiness.
118. I believe that the different ideas of right and wrong that people in other societies have may be valid for them.
119. I have no sympathy for panhandlers.
120. I always consider the consequences before I take action.
121. I'm seldom apprehensive about the future.
122. I really enjoy talking to people.
123. I enjoy concentrating on a fantasy or daydream and exploring all it's possibilities, letting it grow and develop.
124. I'm suspicious when someone does something nice for me.
125. I pride myself on my sound judgment.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
126. I often get disgusted with people I have to deal with.
127. I prefer jobs that let me work alone without being bothered by other people.
128. Poetry has little or no effect on me.
129. I would hate to be thought of as a hypocrite.
130. I never seem to be able to get organized.
131. I tend to blame myself when anything goes wrong.
132. Other people often look to me to make decisions.
133. I experience a wide range of emotions or feelings.
134. I'm not known for my generosity.
135. When I make a commitment, I can always be counted on to follow through.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
136. I often feel inferior to others.
137. I'm not as quick and lively as other people.
138. I prefer to spend my time in familiar surroundings.
139. When I've been insulted, I just try to forgive and forget.
140. I don't feel like I'm driven to get ahead.
141. I seldom give in to my impulses.
142. I like to be where the action is.
143. I enjoy working on "mind-twister"-type puzzles.
144. I have a very high opinion of myself.
145. Once I start a project, I almost always finish it.
146. It's often hard for me to make up my mind.
147. I don't consider myself especially "light-hearted."
148. I believe that loyalty to one's ideals and principles is more important than "open-mindedness."
149. Human need should always take priority over economic considerations.
150. I often do things on the spur of the moment.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
151. I often worry about things that might go wrong.
152. I find it easy to smile and be outgoing with strangers.
153. If I feel my mind starting to drift off into daydreams, I usually get busy and start concentrating on some work or activity instead.
154. My first reaction is to trust people.
155. I don't seem to be completely successful at anything.
156. It takes a lot to get me mad.
157. I'd rather vacation at a popular beach than an isolated cabin in the woods.
158. Certain kinds of music have an endless fascination for me.
159. Sometimes I trick people into doing what I want.
160. I tend to be somewhat fastidious or exacting.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
161. I have a low opinion of myself.
162. I would rather go my own way than be a leader of others.
163. I seldom notice the moods or feelings that different environments produce.
164. Most people I know like me.
165. I adhere strictly to my ethical principles.
166. I feel comfortable in the presence of my bosses or other authorities.
167. I usually seem to be in a hurry.
168. Sometimes I make changes around the house just to try something different.
169. If someone starts a fight, I'm ready to fight back.
170. I strive to achieve all I can.
171. I sometimes eat myself sick.
172. I love the excitement of roller coasters.
173. I have little interest in speculating on the nature of the universe or human condition.
174. I feel that I am no better than others, no matter what their condition.
175. When a project gets too difficult, I'm inclined to start a new one.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
176. I can handle myself pretty well in a crisis.
177. I am a cheerful, high-spirited person.
178. I consider myself broad-minded and tolerant of other people's lifestyles.
179. I believe all human beings are worthy of respect.
180. I rarely make hasty decisions.
181. I have fewer fears than most people.
182. I have strong emotional attachments to my friends.
183. As a child I rarely enjoyed games of make believe.
184. I tend to assume the best about people.
185. I'm a very competent person.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
186. At times I have felt bitter and resentful.
187. Social gatherings are usually boring to me.
188. Sometimes when I am reading poetry or looking at a work of art, I feel a chill or wave of excitement.
189. At times I bully or flatter people into doing what I want them to.
190. I'm not compulsive about cleaning.
191. Sometimes things look pretty bleak and hopeless to me.
192. In conversations, I tend to do most of the talking.
193. I find it easy to empathize - to feel myself what others are feeling.
194. I think of myself as a charitable person.
195. I try to do jobs carefully, so they won't have to be done again.
196. If I have said or done the wrong thing to someone, I can hardly bear to face them again.
197. My life is fast-paced.
198. On a vacation, I prefer going back to a tried and true spot.
199. I'm hard-headed and stubborn.
200. I strive for excellence in everything I do.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
201. Sometimes I do things on impulse that I later regret.
202. I'm attracted to bright colors and flashy styles.
203. I have a lot of intellectual curiosity.
204. I would rather praise others than be praised myself.
205. There are so many little jobs that need to be done that I sometimes just ignore them all.
206. When everything seems to be going wrong, I can still make good decisions.
207. I rarely use words like "fantastic!" or "sensational!" to describe my experiences.
208. I think that if people don't know what they believe in by the time they're 25, there's something wrong with them.
209. I have sympathy for others less fortunate than me.
210. I plan ahead carefully when I go on a trip.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
211. Frightening thoughts sometimes come into my head.
212. I take a personal interest in the people I work with.
213. I would have difficulty just letting my mind wander without control or guidance.
214. I have a good deal of faith in human nature.
215. I am efficient and effective at my work.
216. Even minor annoyances can be frustrating to me.
217. I enjoy parties with lots of people.
218. I enjoy reading poetry that emphasizes feelings and images more than story lines.
219. I pride myself on my shrewdness in handling people.
220. I spend a lot of time looking for things I've misplaced.
221. Too often, when thing go wrong, I get discouraged and feel like giving up.
222. I don't find it easy to take charge of the situation.
223. Odd things - like certain scents or the names of distant places - can evoke strong moods in me.
224. I go out of my way to help others if I can.
225. I'd really have to be sick before I'd miss a day of work.
Please indicate your agreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
226. When people I know do foolish things, I get embarrassed for them.
227. I am a very active person.
228. I follow the same route when I go someplace.
229. I often get into arguments with my family and co-workers.
230. I'm something of a "workaholic."
231. I am always able to keep my feelings under control.
232. I like being part of the crowd at sporting events.
233. I have a wide range of intellectual interests.
234. I'm a superior person.
235. I have a lot of self-discipline.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
236. I'm pretty stable emotionally.
237. I laugh easily.
238. I believe that the "new morality" of permissiveness is no morality at all.
239. I would rather be known as "merciful" than as "just."
240. I think twice before I answer a question.
241. I have tried to answer all of these questions honestly and accurately.
Below are a series of statements that describe how you may think about yourself RIGHT NOW.  We are asking you to consider each question relative to YOUR SCHOOL WORK aspects.  Use the scale below to indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
242. I feel confident analyzing a long-term problem to find a solution concerning my school work.
243. I feel confident in representing my ideas concerning my school work.
244. I feel confident contributing to discussions about strategies on my school work.
245. I feel confident setting targets/goals on my school work.
246. I feel confident contacting people to discuss problems concerning my school work
247. I feel confident sharing information with a group of students about my school work.
248. If I should find myself in a jam about my school work, I could think of many ways to get out of the jam.
249. At the present time, I am energetically pursuing my school work goals.
250. There are lots of ways around any problem concerning my school work.
251. Right now, I see myself as being pretty successful concerning my school work.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
252. I can think of many ways to reach my current goals regarding school work.
253. At this time, I am meeting the goals that I have set for myself concerning school work.
254. When I have a setback with school work , I have trouble recovering from it, moving on.
255. I usually manage difficulties one way or another concerning my school work.
256. I can be “on my own” so to speak, if I have to regarding my school work.
257. I usually take stressful things in stride with regard to my school work.
258. I can get through difficult times at school because I’ve experienced difficulty before concerning my school work.
259. I feel I can handle many things at a time with my school work.
260. When things are uncertain for me with regards to school work, I usually expect the best.
261. If something can go wrong for me with my school work, it will.
262. I always look on the bright side of things regarding my school work.
263. I’m optimistic about what will happen to me in the future as it pertains to my school work.
264. With regards to my school work, things never work out the way I want them to.
265. I approach my school work as if “every cloud has a silver lining.”
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