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Which term of the MRU Bachelor of Applied Interior Design program are you currently in (or have most recently completed):
5 (Summmer DFS)
7 (DFS)
How much would you agree or disagree with these statements about the instruction you have received in the Interior Design Program at MRU?
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
* I feel that my instructors are experts in their subject area.
* Interior design lectures are effective in helping me to understand new concepts/information.
* Interior design studio crits are effective in helping me to understand new concepts/information.
* My instructors are available/approachable for help if I need it.
* I feel having more than one instructor in a studio course is valuable.
Instructors in different interior design courses are aware of what I am studying in other core courses.
A complete design project includes aspects of Programming, Conceptual Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation, and Design Communication. The core STUDIO COURSES in interior design are intended to independently give students skills in Design, Construction, and Design Communication, but also to give students an appreciation of how these skills work together to produce a complete project. How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Interior design studio courses support each other well by relating content/skills in assignments.
Other interior design courses (building code, materials, business, ...) give me information that is very relevant to my interior design studio courses.
Interior design studio courses work completely independently without relating to each other.
Content I learn in Art History and History of Interiors courses is integrated into my studio course work.
Considering the value of your interior design education here at Mount Royal, how would you respond to these statements?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Content is delivered clearly and effectively by instructors.
Maintaining a high GPA is the most important indicator of my educational success at MRU.
The increase in my level of knowledge/skill/confidence is the most important indicator of my educational success at MRU.
It is important to me that the program prepare me for a career in Interior Design
It is important to me that the program prepare me for further education.
A positive studio experience with my peers is important to my success in the program.
A positive studio experience with instructors is important to my success in the program.
Work experience opportunities are a valuable part of my education in interior design.
Controlling the cost of assignments/supplies is a challenge for me.
With regard to course workload in Interior Design core courses at MRU, how much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
In my Design Studio Courses the assigned workload is reasonable.
In my Construction Studio Courses the assigned workload is reasonable.
In my Design Communications Studio Courses the assigned workload is reasonable.
In my Business Courses the assigned workload is reasonable.
In my 1 and 2 credit core courses the assigned workload is reasonable.
There is an opportunity to introduce the idea of a non-credit "Internship" as a replacement for the current credit "DFS". The "Internship" would provide work experience in the same manner as the "DFS" but tuition costs would be much less. Which of these scenarios would you think benefits students the most?
One non-credit internship (summer).
One credit DFS (summer).
One non-credit internship (summer 1) and one credit DFS (summer 2).
Two non-credit internships (summers 1 and 2).
Two credit DFS (summers 1 and 2)
Please rank (1-10) the following work experience options in order of which you think would be of most benefit to students:
Design position in Interior Design Firm
Retail furnishing sales/consulting
Retail flooring sales/consulting
Contract office systems sales/consulting
Design position in Architecture firm
International placement
Building supply sales/consulting
Building contractor
City of Calgary planning and development position
Corporate building management position
Subject areas in design are almost endless and any degree program can only offer a few (hopefully the most important). Please let us know how much you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
I have enough choice in which design courses I take in the Interior Design program at MRU.
I would like some opportunity to study design topics/types not currently offered in the program (electives).
I prefer a prescribed program of study designed to prepare me to begin my interior design career.
Currently Interior Design Studio courses (design, construction, dcomm) are offered as separate streams, intended to be integrated but with separate assignments and expectations. Other core courses (building code, materials, universal design ...) are often offered only once in the program and deal with content intended to be utilized throughout all years. How much do you agree with these statements?
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
The best way to learn Interior Design is if design, construction, and dcomm projects are separate, with separate lectures and assignments.
The best way to learn Interior Design is by learning principles in disipline specific lectures supported by studio assignments combining aspects of design, construction, and dcomm.
The best way to learn/use supporting information (codes, universal design, materials, ...) is in a single course offered once in the program.
The best way to learn/use supporting information (codes, universal design, materials, ...) is to spread out the information across the program in packages relevant to studio assignments.
If you were to advise the people designing the new Bachelor of Interior Design Degree here at Mount Royal University, what advice would you give them?
Is there a course or topic that you feel would be valuable for future students in the program?
Would you prefer an 8 academic term program + 1 work term spread over 4 calendar years or an 8 academic term program + 1 work term compressed into 3 calendar years? (2 summers open vs no summers open)?