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Newborn Photo Session

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Full Name
Family Members (please include ages):
Describe yourself and your significant other:
Tell me about the personalities and interests of you and your loved ones. What unique quirks and characteristics about each family member are you especially cherishing right now. (awesome dance moves, a certain facial expression, the way they interact with another family member, a game they play, a special stuffed animal, or the way they sing their favorite song)?
Do you have any favorite locations around Kansas City?
If you are interested in a lifestyle session, what are some of your favorite activities in your home (a special time of day, a family game, cooking in the kitchen, decorating for a holiday, creating a craft together, etc.)
Are you drawn to warmer or cooler colors? Is there a certain color scheme in your home that you like?
NEWBORN SPECIFIC: What areas of your home receive the best light?
NEWBORN SPECIFIC What are you most looking forward to about your newborn session?
NEWBORN SPECIFIC: If you have a nursery, are there specific colors you have used in decor?