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* Your call sign:
What subjects would you like to see addressed in NIDXA programs - antennas, amplifiers, towers, DX'ing techniques, computer-related, QSL'ing tips, transceivers, getting on 160m, DX vacations, other?
On what subjects or projects that you've been involved in related to DX'ing and ham radio would you be willing to share the knowledge you've gained?
How often do you think we should have programs at meetings?
As often as possible
Only when at Edgebrook or similar venue
A few times per year
How long should a program last?
15 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
Depends on the program
Who or what got you interested in ham radio?
What got you interested in DX'ing in particular?
What do you enjoy most about being a member of NIDXA?