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What's your name?
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Why is wellbeing@work so important?

* Studies show that healthy nutriton
Decreases the risk of coronary heart desease, heart attack, stroke and diabetes
Is not related to our heath
Decreases productivity
* Healthy nutrition has
99 basic rules
4 basic rules
No rules
* I may skip breakfast if
I am in a hurry
A friend tells me that  breakfast is not important
* If there are no healthy alternatives at work I may
Eat whatever is available 
Get a lunchbox from home 
Skip eating lunch
* If my colleagues are not "healthy nutrition" oriented I should
Eat what they eat as we are one team
Lecture them about heathy nutrition
Inspire them to try healthy food alternatives
* Eating with family and friends is important because
We may share the cost for the dinner
Someone will cook for me 
It is a way to feel loved and cherished, and is a good example for the children