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Thank you for participating in Kohler Power System’s OnCue Beta Test; please take the time to complete the first of five surveys included in this testing. Our purpose is to gather your feedback to further understand our product and ultimately to better serve you. We want to gather your thoughts, feelings, and inclinations. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete.
Kohler OnCue™ Home Power Management System is designed to let you see and manage your home and light commercial power system where ever you are. It notifies you when your generator starts and when it needs attention. If you wish, it can notify your dealer as well so that your generator and power system will receive prompt service. OnCue™ is ideal for homeowners and small business owners who travel frequently or split their time between multiple locations.
Your participation in this study will be strictly confidential. The data gathered from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* Please enter your contact Information: First Name
* Last Name
* Address
* Phone
* Email
1) Please enter the following information about the generator : Generator Serial Number
Address of where genset is installed – same as #1?
* 2) Please indicate the size (in square feet) of building or residence your generator powers.
<2000 sq ft
2000 sq ft – 4000 sq ft
4000 sq ft – 6000 sq ft
>6000 sq ft
* 3) Which response best describes what your generator is intended to power?
Entire house
Entire building
Essential load
* 4) What are the main reasons you are interested in OnCue? (Choose all that apply)
a. Ability to look up genset status/events when away
b. Ability to receive email/text messages of genset status/events when away
c. Ability to have service provider monitor genset for me
d. Ability to see genset status without going outside
e. Ability to see history of events
f. Ability to have service provider service genset automatically
g. Ability to have multiple recipients receive status / events of gensets
h. Ability to monitor and control home/ business power usage and devices remotely

5) You chose the following as reasons why you are interested in OnCue. Please rank order these in terms of importance, 1 being the most important.
a. Ability to look up genset status/events when away
b. Ability to receive email/text messages of genset status/events when away
c. Ability to have service provider monitor genset for me
d. Ability to see genset status without going outside
e. Ability to see history of events
f. Ability to have service provider service genset automatically
g. Ability to have multiple recipients receive status / events of gensets
h. Ability to monitor and control home/ business power usage and devices remotely
i. Other
* 6) Please specify any additional features you would like the OnCue system to offer?
7) The OnCue monitoring system allows the user to receive email alerts with information about the generator’s activity (i.e. generator status and events as they occur). OnCue can send emails to up to 10 unique email addresses.

If you were to use the OnCue monitoring system, who would you select to receive OnCue’s notifications about your generator’s activity? (Select all that apply)
Genset Owner
Genset Servicing Dealer