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Hello! You are invited to participate in our survey for the development of a new e-tutoring service for Egyptian university students. This service aims to provide access to lecture notes and slides as well as recorded lessons from private tutors and fellow students, essay editing services, and discussion forums. Additionally, students can connect with tutors via this service for face-to-face lessons over Skype.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
If this service was available today, how likely are you to use it?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
If unlikely, why?
E-services are unreliable
I prefer being tutored in person
I don't know if it's good or not
Other (Please Specify)
How often, if ever, do you currently use other tutoring services?
Several times a week
Several times a month
Not at all
What factors are most important when selecting a tutoring service?
Number of students using it
Recommendations from friends

What price would you be willing to pay for a Skype lesson? (Exact numbers are preferred over ranges.)
What would be your preferred method of payment?
Credit card
Phone credit
Other (please specify)

In your own words, describe something that annoys you about tutoring services, and how you might change that:
Which name would you prefer for this service?
Professor E
Other (we're open to suggestions)
Please state your age, university, and faculty/major:
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