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Exit Survey
Members of the OSU Emeriti Association are being invited to respond to the survey that follows this introduction. Members' responses will be considered by the OSU Emeriti Council in its attempt to make the Association as relevant as possible to the membership. The survey can be completed in 8-10 minutes.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential, and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Two questions enable you to provide your name and e-mail address if you wish to provide such information as it relates to these two questions, but your responses to other questions will not be associated with your name.

The OSU Emeriti Council encourages you to share the URL to this survey with other OSU retirees who are not currently a member of the Association. The feedback from these individuals will also be helpful in determining future activities of the Association. Non-Association members are asked to complete Questions 1-3 and 13-16.

We will appreciate your completing the survey by March 19.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

1. What was your employee classification at OSU at the time you retired?
Administrative or Professional
Extension or Federal
I am not an OSU retiree but joined as the spouse of an OSU retiree
I am not an OSU retiree but joined through the special application process
Other (please specify)
2. How many years have you been retired?
0-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
More than 20 years
3. Are you currently a member of the OSU Emeriti Association?
No (If No, skip to Question No. 13)
4. Would you consider serving on the OSU Emeriti Council to help guide the organization for the interest of retirees?
Yes (If Yes, please select Other below and provide your name and e-mail address in the box)
5. Have you been a continuous (or nearly continuous) member of the OSU Emeriti Association since the time you retired from OSU?
6. Are you currently a life member of the OSU Emeriti Association?
7. In the last year, have you participated in one or more of the following Emeriti Association activities?
Yes No
Monday Night Dinners
Investment Club
Technology special interest group
Making the Most of Retirement special interest group
Emeriti Volunteer (Ambassadors) Program
Tours (either local or out of Stillwater)
8. How well do you think the OSU Emeriti Association meets your expectations?
Very well
Quite well
Not very well
Not well at all
9. If you consider yourself to be an inactive member of the OSU Emeriti Association, which one of the following statements best reflects your reason for being inactive?
I consider myself to be an active member (or as active as my present situation allows).
I live too far from Stillwater to be an active member.
I used to be an active member, but my current situation prohibits my being active at this time.
I am not interested in the activities the OSU Emeriti Association currently provides or sponsors.
I don't have time currently to participate but plan to in the future
Other (Please specify)
10. Do you believe the OSU Emeriti Association has a sufficient amount of communication with its members?
No (If you choose "No," please check "Other" below and explain why you answered "No").
11. Which one of the following statements most clearly reflects your view of the OSU Emeriti Association?
I believe I am getting my money's worth from the Emeriti Association.
I keep paying my dues, but I do not believe I am getting my money's worth from the Emeriti Association.
I would become a more active member of the Emeriti Association if it provided more activities that interest me, (Please check "Other" below and specify activities that would be of interest to you)
I would like to get more involved in the Emeriti Association, but there doesn't seem to be much that I can get involved in.
I would be happy to get more involved in the Emeriti Association if I were asked to do so. (Please check "Other" below and provide your name and e-mail address in the box)
Other (Please specify)
12. Which of the following is the main reason you initially joined the Emeriti Association?
I joined because of the social opportunities and activities it provides.
I joined because a friend encouraged me to join.
I joined because I wanted to stay in touch with the greater OSU community.
I joined becuase I wanted to stay involved with a group of individuals with similar backgrounds.
I joined because I saw my being a member of the Emeriti Association as a means of staying busy or involved in retirement.
Other (Please specify)
13. What benefits associated with OSU retirement are important to you (on a scale of 10-1, with 10 being most important? Select the most important benefit to you, and assign it a 10; for the second most important benefit, assign it a 9, etc., until you identify the least important benefit, which will be assigned a 1. Note: One item will be left blank, meaning it has no perceived importance to you.
Health insurance
Retirement financial services (such as TIAA/CREF, OTRS)
Parking permit
Continued use of your OSU e-mail address
Access to software
Access to Wellness facilities
Access to library services
Discounts to entertainment (such as athletic and performing arts activities)
Information about Faculty Council and its committees
Serving OSU as an Ambassador for graduation and campus events
Serving as a historical receptacle for selected committee or campus activities
14. What activities currently offered or possibly offered in the future by the OSU Emeriti Association are important to you (or would be important to you if you were a member)? Please rank on a scale of 10-1 with 10 being the most important). In other words, select the most important activity to you, and assign it a 10; to the second most important item, assign a 9; and so on. Ten of the 20 items will be left blank, meaning you do not perceive them as having any importance to you.
Monday Night Dinner
Technology special interest group
Investment Club
Bridge group
Poker group, such as Texas Hold'em
Athletics discussion group
Arts discussion group
Politics discussion group
Religion discussion group
Singles discussion group
Investments discussion group
Health information discussion group
Book discussion group
Day trips
Overnight/weekend trips
Bi-monthly coffee hour (either mid morning or mid afternoon)
Monthly lunch at a local restaurant (such as Golden Corral or New China Cafe) that has a private dining room and participants order/pay on their own so they don't need to make reservations; no program would be offered
Organized community volunteer activity, such as help with Habitat for Humanity or Humane Society
Assist other OSU Emeriti Association members who need help (one time or ongoing), similar to the types of activities OSU student groups perform
Formation of additional special interest groups (Please use Question No. 16 to provide the topic of the group you are proposing)
15. What could the OSU Emeriti Association do to attract more members (rank 6-1 with 6 being most important)? Assign a 6 to the most important action/activity, a 5 to the second most important action/activity, etc. None of the items should be left blank.
Be more visible to those planning retirement
Be more visible in the community
Invite new retirees to Association activities
Give new members a lower introductory membership rate
Broaden the name to OSU Emeriti and Retirees Association
Extend a special invitation to OSU graduates to join the OSU Emeriti Association if they live in the Stillwater area when they retire
16. In the box below, please provide additional suggestions or comments you wish to share as well as your response to the last item in Question No. 14.