This free survey is powered by
Exit Survey
In this survey, we are interested in learning more about your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes towards your child's school.

When answering these questions, please consider your child's current experience at school.

This survey is to help us understand different aspects of the parent/school relationship. As such, please be as honest as possible - there are no right or wrong answers.
* I am filling this survey as a parent who has a child enrolled in this division:
Primary (JK-Gr. 3)
Elementary (Gr. 4- Gr.5)
Junior High (Gr. 6- Gr.8)

How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Academic programs
* Class size
* Athletic programs
* Offerings in the arts
* Extra-curricular programs
* Development of character and values in students
* The quality of faculty
* The academic credentials of the faculty
* The academic credentials of the faculty
* The interest of faculty in the lives of students
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Campus facilities (not including athletic facilities)
* Athletic facilities
* After care program
* High school placement success
* Commitment to Christian character education
* Commitment to academic excellence
* Commitment to athletic excellence
* Tuition cost
* Overall friendliness of the school community
* Caring and nurturing environment
* Security and safety of students while on campus
Strongly agree Agree Neutral/Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree
* I am pleased with the overall educational experience my child(ren) receive at the school:
* I would recommend your school to friends in my community:
How often:
Almost never Once or twice per year Every few months Monthly Weekly or more
Do you meet in person with teachers at your child's school?
Have you discussed your child's school with other parents form the school?
Do you help your child understand the content he or she is learning in school?
Do you help your child engage in activities which are educational outside the home?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral/Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree
Your child child puts a lot of effort into school-related tasks
Your child reads regularly
Your child has a sense of belonging at his or her school
Your child manages his or her emotions well
You feel that your child's school is preparing him or her for his or her next academic year
Children enjoy going to your child's school
Classroom lessons are motivating
Administrators at your child's school create a school environment that helps children learn
Teachers at your child's school respect the children
What do you like best about your School?
What do you like least about your school?
As of today, do you plan for your child to graduate from your School? Please provide the reason(s) for your response.
Based on your experience, how could the leadership improve your school?