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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Participating in the PATH 1: Pilot Coaching Group allowed me to grow in coaching skills and abilities.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The frequency and length of the following were on target:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* Pilot Group (six months)
* Coaching Group Discussion (once monthly)
* Coaching Group Discussion (60 minutes)
* 1:1 Coaching Session (once monthly)
* 1:1 Coaching Session (45 minutes)
Topics covered in the group discussion provided value:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* January: Question Centric Coaching & You
* February: Building Trust
* March: Using Questions & Being Prepared
* April: Coaching to Strengths
* May: Coaching to Bottlenecks
* June: Where do we go from here?
* During the group discussions, I was able to: (check all that apply)
Connect with other leaders
Ask questions
Take away new ideas for coaching and leadership practices
Gain insight into my own leadership strengths/areas of growth
Recognize other leaders face the same challenges I do

* The 1:1 coaching sessions provided value for me and my leadership.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* During the 1:1 coaching sessions, the coach: (check all that apply)
Provided a safe place to share openly and honestly
Allowed me to set my own goals
Helped me explore my options
Encouraged me
Gave me space to talk about leadership challenges I don't always have the freedom to talk about with others
Challenged me to grow in my coaching/leadership skills

* How likely are you to recommend to other ITA Group team members to participate in the PATH 1: Coaching Group?
Yes No Maybe
* If given the opportunity to participate in another coaching group, would you?
Yes No Maybe
* What are 1-2 ways we could make the coaching group experience better for ITA Group team members?
* What are 2 of your most important takeaways from participating in the pilot coaching group?