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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Participating in the PATH 2: Pilot Coaching Group allowed me to grow skills and abilities in leading my team members.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The frequency and length of the following were on target:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* Pilot Group (six months)
* Coaching Group Discussion (once monthly)
* Coaching Group Discussion (60 minutes)
* 1:1 Coaching Session (once monthly)
* 1:1 Coaching Session (60 minutes)
Topics covered in the group discussion provided value:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree NA
* March: Leadership Discussion
* April: Prioritizing Time
* May: Coaching v. Managing Your Team
* June: Ongoing Leadership Development
* July: Preparing for Fiscal Year End (Panel)
* During the group discussions, I was able to: (check all that apply)
Connect with other leaders
Ask questions
Take away new ideas for coaching/leadership practices
Gain insight into my own leadership strengths/areas of growth
Recognize other leaders face the same challenges I do

* The 1:1 coaching sessions provided value for me and my leadership.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* During the 1:1 coaching sessions, the coach: (check all that apply)
Provided a safe place to share openly and honestly
Allowed me to set my own goals
Helped me explore my options
Encouraged me
Gave me space to talk about leadership challenges I don't always have the freedom to talk about with others
Challenged me to grow in my coaching/leadership skills

* How likely are you to recommend to other ITA Group team members to participate in the PATH 2: Coaching Group?
Yes No Maybe
* If given the opportunity to participate in another coaching group, would you?
Yes No Maybe
* What are 1-2 ways we could make the coaching group experience better for ITA Group team members?
* What are 2 of your most important takeaways from participating in the pilot coaching group?