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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* What age bracket do you fall into?
under 16
*Optional* Which gender do you identify as? (please click to choose)
* Do you class yourself more a photographer or cosplayer?
Neither, I just attend events
* Outside of Conventions do you think cosplay photographers should be paid?
Yes, they should be paid
No, they shouldn't be paid

What is your reason for your answer above, no matter how simple or complex?
* Do you think it would help cosplayers and conventions in the future if there were photography passes, that major photographers had to get to run or 'host' shoots within the space of conventions?
This would allow them to be recognized as host photographers and would be aware of any rules or procedures they need to abide by when running shoots?
I dont care
* Cosplayers should have a way at cons to sell their prints, through applications and have rules for what kind of prints.
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Hate it
Thanks peeps,

this massively helps me out