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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Does Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription pertain to your demographic of patients?
What do you like best about Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription?
What do you like least about Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription?
* How often would you use Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription?
Once a week or more often
2-3 times per month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times per year
Once a year or less often
Would not use
If answered Would not use to the question above, please explain why:
* How satisfied are you with Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription?
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
* How likely are you to recommend Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription to others?
Definitely will recommend
Probably will recommend
Not sure
Probably will not recommend
Definitely will not recommend
If answered Probably will not recommend or Definitely will not recommend to the question above, please explain why:
How can we improve Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription?
What would you like to tell us about Physician's Guide to Exercise Prescription that was not already asked in the survey?