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PODLife (SW)

PODLife: Refuel on the go with a delicious and nutritious protein shake. Our quality protein powder comes in biodegradable pods with a patent-pending shaker. Perfect for people with an active lifestyle to give them energy in a quick, healthy, and sustainable way.
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
What's your first reaction to this product idea? Rate from 1-5 stars (5 being the highest)
How important are the following features of the proposed new product?
Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not at all
* Nutrition
* Convenience
* Exact dosage
* Flavor
* Sustainability
* What would you expect to pay for this product if it had all of the above attributes?
Are there additional attributes that you would want incorporated into this product?
* How likely are you to buy this product if it has all the attributes described above?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Very unlikely
* What do you currently use as an alternative to our proposed product?
Shaker/blender bottles with compartments
Protein/energy powder packets
Protein shakes or drinks
Sports and energy drinks
Protein bars
I do not use a similar product
* Where do you currently purchase alternative products?
Specialty stores
Convenience stores
Sports stores
Online Store
* What are you currently unsatisfied with in alternative products?
* How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Very unlikely
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