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Pop-Up Shabbat Survey 2014

Pop-Up Shabbat 2014 Survey
Exit Survey
Thanks again for your candid feedback. Just like Bubbe would give it. We'll be sure to take it into account as we plan our 2014 festivities. If you have more comments, there is room at the end of the survey.
* When you first got wind of Pop-Up Shabbat, what made you think, "Well, no, I couldn't imagine spending my Shabbat any other way"?
I've been looking for a way to spend Shabbat.
I've been celebrating Shabbat in a different way but was looking for something to complement it.
I've never celebrated Shabbat before, but how could I pass up on beet kvass?
I’m a foodie - anytime, anywhere.
About You
* Where do you live?
Staten Island
* What is your profession?
* Do you identify as Jewish?
Kind of / Something in the middle
If so, which of these descriptions best match your definition of what it means to be Jewish? Select all that apply.
Believing in God
Having a Jewish funny bone (a la Sarah Silverman or Woody Allen)
Being a moral person
Keeping kosher
Observing Jewish holidays
Carrying on Jewish traditions (i.e., Hanukkah gifts, making hamentaschen)
Being proud of your Jewish heritage
Having Jewish ancestry (i.e., Jewish mother or father)
Being able to speak Hebrew
Involving yourself with a community of other jewish people
Having a connection to jewish history (i.e., the Holocaust)
Having pride in Israel
Placing a special emphasis on education

Please share any other comments you have about your Jewish identity.
About Pop-Up Shabbat
* How did you hear about Pop-Up Shabbat? Select all that apply.
Tablet Magazine
The Jewish Daily Forward
The Jewish Week
Other media/press
Pop-Up Shabbat website
Pop-Up Shabbat Twitter
Pop-Up Shabbat Facebook
Pop-Up Shabbat Instagram
Danya Cheskis-Gold Twitter
Danya Cheskis-Gold Facebook
Danya Cheskis-Gold Instagram
From a friend

* Which of these Pop-Up Shabbat events have you attended?
ShaBubbe, 7/19/13, Gowanus
Collards & Kugel, 11/1/13, Bed Stuy
Moo Shu Jew, 12/21/13, Brooklyn Heights
A Night Among the Tsars, 2/21/14, Red Hook
None of the above

How important was each of the following aspects of a Pop-Up Shabbat event to your decision to attend? Rate each one on a scale from 1 (Not At All Important), to 5 (Very Important).
1 (Not At All Important) 2 3 4 5 (Very Important)
If you haven't yet attended a Pop-Up Shabbat event, why not?
I wasn't available on the date of the event/s
Theme / menu didn't appeal to me
Price was too high
Date worked but time didn't
Dietary restrictions (kosher, allergies, etc.)
Crowd seemed too old
Crowd seemed too young
Location didn't work for me
Didn't have anyone to go with and didn't want to go alone

Did you attend Pop-Up Shabbat alone?
Yes, I showed up solo
No, I came with friends and/or or a significant other
Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of Pop-Up Shabbat on a scale from 1 (Very Unsatisfied) to 5 (Very Satisfied).
1 (Very Dissatisfied) 2 3 4 5 (Very Satisfied)
Overall event
Design / decor
How likely is it that you would attend another Pop-Up Shabbat event, on a scale from 1 (Very Unlikely) to 5 (Very Likely)?
1 (Very Unlikely) 2 3 4 5 (Very Likely)
Additional Comments:
How likely would you be to recommend Pop-Up Shabbat to a friend or colleague, on a scale from 1 (Very Unlikely) to 10 (Very Likely)?
1 (Very Unlikely) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very Likely)
Additional Comments:
Pop-Up Shabbat and You
If you’re Jewish, how does Pop-Up Shabbat fit into your current Jewish identity?
If you're not Jewish, what need is Pop-Up Shabbat satisfying for you?
Additional Comments:
It would be helpful if you'd provide your contact information. We promise to keep your individual responses confidential. We'd just like to reach out personally if we read something particularly helpful or flattering!
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Email Address :