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How much have your skills improved because of the training at the event
A great Deal
A lot
A moderate Amount
Not at All
Overall were you satisfied with the event, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it?
Extremely satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Slightly dissatissfied
How useful to your company was the information presented?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Moderately useful
Slightly useful
Not at all usefull
How organized was the information presented at the event?
Extremely Organized
Very Organized
Moderately Organized
Slightly Organized
Not at all Organized
How comfortable did you feel asking questions at the event?
Extremely comfortable
Very Comfortable
Moderately Comfortable
Slightly Comfortable
Not at All comfortable
How many of the objectives of the event were met?
All of Them
Most of them
About Half of them
Some of them
None of them
How prepared was the presenter?
Extremely prepared
Very prepared
Moderately prepared
Slightly prepared
Not at all prepared
what kind of sessions would you like to see included at a future conference?
what did you most like about conference?
what did you least like about the conference?