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We'd really like to get your feedback about the work that the Health Champions are doing and what you know and think about it. 
Your answers will be anonymous. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers we'd just like to know your real opinion. We have some of our own questions first and then we would like to get your own thoughts in your own words. This should take about 10 minutes.

Your practice will get summary information back at the end of this research to show how you all compare to other practices who are also part of the Health Champion programme.

What is your role at the practice? 
Practice Manager
Reception Manager
How often do you see Health Champions in and around the practice?
Several times a week
About once a week
Less often
What Health Champions can do
The roles that Health Champions play will vary by practice, but broadly the hope is that they can operate in three different ways. We'd like to know in which of these ways you feel they are operating successfully...
Firstly to connect and introduce people to all the services available in the community and at the practice. In other words "being in the know" and spreading the word about what's out there.

EXAMPLES: might include finding out what's available and sharing their knowledge, signposting people to services; keep fit classes; local help; transport and many different community services
Do you feel this is happening right now?
Not sure
Which of these do you agree with?
We would like to know if you agree or disagree with some opinions about Health Champions.
Do you agree with the following...
Yes No Don't know N/A
I believe what the Health Champions are trying to do is worthwhile
I try to make Health Champions feel welcome
Some patients see the Doctors and Nurses less often as a result of Health Champion involvement
Can you tell us about things that the Champions are doing that are having a positive impact? What have been the most successful things as far as you are concerned?